22 Hornet


Apr 27, 2020
Anyone have a load they like. I have a ruger 77/22 and absolutely love shooting it but need to work up better loads.
My pet load for the 22 hornet is 13gr lil gun with a 40gr Vmax with cci small rifle primers. This load is very accurate in my browning a-bolt.
This load has been tested in 8-10 different guns and is probably the most accurate across the board! 13 gr lilgun 35rn vmax cci 400 at 1.72 hits 3000 fps in most rifles 😉 2 of my friends have that same rifle it can be a tough little rifle to get accuracy from !
We are a group of squirrel shooter that combined have been shooting this load for 13+ years (25,000-30,000) rounds 👊🏻 Still my ALL time favorite cartridge !
Glad I stumbled across this. My dad picked up a 77/22 .22 Hornet at an estate sale a while back and hasn't shot it yet. I've been wondering what a good load is for it.
I am using an obsolete powder (T680) that has worked great for me. I believe that AA1680 is the modern equivalent. I load 10.5 grs. over a Sierra 45 gr. softpoint #1310 for turkeys. A mild load that works pretty well, doesn't tear them up on a body hit.