2025 Wyoming odds


Nov 2, 2019
No Gohunt subscription to check, but I have some buddies with 5 pts in WY regular draw. What are their odds of drawing a general tag this year in the Southern non-resident region? I'm behind in points so applied for cow/calf tag. I'm thinking their odds are not that good and trying to convince them that we should apply in MT also, to better our odds of going somewhere. They are thinking its a waste if we get drawn in both states and only get an 80% refund in MT. In my opinion, a couple hundred bucks extra that would be lost if both are drawn is worth it for a better chance to go somewhere. I just think 5 pts in the regular draw is going to be iffy but don't know. Would just like some idea of their odds to help make my case or to prove me wrong. Thanks!
They are better off applying in both and have much higher odds in MT. Not going to say exactly what GoHunt says since I think everyone should have their service. Their new predicitve draw odds says apply in MT, unless they apply in the special draw in WY.
Last year NR drew 92.88% for S General with 5PP (this does not include Random draw odds).
As stated, that % is likely to drop due to point creep. By how much nobody knows.

My best guess is that less than 50% of NR with 5PP will draw that tag this year. I would have a solid Plan B.