2025 Wyoming Antelope hunt

Make a list of the units you might draw and would want to hunt. Don't just consider population and access, although both are very important, but also where are you going to stay and how will you get to where you are going to hunt. For example, some areas have great hunting and public access, but no hotels nearby. Camping on BLM land, yes, hotels, no.

With that list of candidate units that meet your needs, wait until the quotas for 2025 are published and look at the trends in population over the past few years. Pronghorn are susceptible to harsh winter conditions and populations can be impacted significantly one year to another. There is no advantage gained by applying early. The application deadline is May 31 and the 2025 quota info will be out in April. Use it to choose a unit and go hunt.
Following as I am a first timer as well. Just started applying for points last year. Are there any decent units that a person could draw in 2-3 years?
Following as I am a first timer as well. Just started applying for points last year. Are there any decent units that a person could draw in 2-3 years?

Look at the Wyoming draw odds report and start your journey from there.

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Burn them, I draw Wyoming every 3-5 years depending on what I have going on that year and even in 3 point “tough access” units I haven’t had a problem finding huntable public with antelope. Just remember a lot of higher point units don’t necessarily mean bigger goats just better public access.
Go hunt now. Wyoming point creep on lope units is going crazy. I took my dad on a hunt in 2019 that took 1 point….it takes 5 now. I put in for a 4 pt hunt last year that was 100% in 2023, it drew out at 6 points.

I’m trying again this year on a similar unit at 5 pts, hopefully I don’t have the same issue and it draws out at 6 points as well. Would be a kick in the nuts.

I remember when I first started applying in Wyoming for lopes 10 years ago there were like 10 units (don’t quote me on that exact number) that you could draw with 0-1 point. That’s down to like 1-3 units now as a nonresident and getting worse. Units that were 3-4 pts now take 6-7 and so on. My numbers may not be exact, I’m just spitballing but point stands. It’s getting harder and harder.

You’ll never catch any unit you’re “chasing”, just put in for a unit you’re safe on drawing even if your 2-3 pts over what it was drawn at last year. You’ll get it done and it’s a blast.

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I get a kick out of the “most desirable” areas - we spend time in a good and super easy to draw areas and come up with big goats, bad weather or not. One of our best was taken in one of the state’s worst areas after some hard winters. When you only need one goat, don’t pay attention to averages.
Make a list of the units you might draw and would want to hunt. Don't just consider population and access, although both are very important, but also where are you going to stay and how will you get to where you are going to hunt. For example, some areas have great hunting and public access, but no hotels nearby. Camping on BLM land, yes, hotels, no.

With that list of candidate units that meet your needs, wait until the quotas for 2025 are published and look at the trends in population over the past few years. Pronghorn are susceptible to harsh winter conditions and populations can be impacted significantly one year to another. There is no advantage gained by applying early. The application deadline is May 31 and the 2025 quota info will be out in April. Use it to choose a unit and go hunt.
I have done the first part and got units narrowed down. Great advice on looking at the quotas once they are released. Thank you!
Looking for some advice on a Wyoming antelope hunt for 2025. My only big game hunting experience is whitetail in Iowa where I live so if I sound dumb that’s why. I have 7 points and have done research and have 4 units in mind that I should be able to draw and have decent public access. I’ll be 39 this year and had planned to get out west earlier in life but had twin girls so that changed plans. Girls will be out of daycare and in school next fall so plan was to go in 2025. I haven’t looked into point requirements much until now and was surprised to find that 7 points won’t get me into most of the areas I thought it would or would have when I started applying. In my research I have found that antelope numbers are down but also have been going down for the last 15 years. Lots of people talk about waiting for numbers to go up but seems that may not happen. My question is do I go or wait? 8 or 9 points seems like it would open up more areas but those areas that took 8 or 9 this year might be 10 next year. My thought is to just go and get some experience rather than wait. Have been buying points for elk and deer so that will be in my future as well.

Not looking to do the special draw or pay trespass fee unless it’s cheap but guessing that doesn’t exist. From my research it doesn’t sound like 2nd or 3rd choice will have many options that have the amount of public land I would need so would be relying on using my points on first choice. If anyone wants to discuss units or has recommendations send me a message.
I’m in the same boat (except I live “out west”) and have 7 points and decided to just find an area, burn the points, and hunt this year.
Antelope hunting is just plain fun. It’s probably the least stressful form of hunting. Way more fun than elk or deer

Use your points and go. You’re well within a bunch of good units. I went with 5 a few years ago and it was a crazy target rich environment and minimal hunting pressure.
Following as well, hoping to get out with my old man who turns 75 this year. We each have 5 points but like someone stated early, life is short. It astonishes me how much information is on wyomings website, being from Nebraska I’m quite jealous of how available info is from Wyoming.
Following here. Also hoping to go this year with 5 points with my dad. Were unsuccessful last year with 4 points. Just getting out is the goal, if there is public access and a few herds around it’s just a really fun way to hunt, play with some fun caliber rifles in the field, and spend time with dad who can’t do the mountain elk hunting any more at 77 years old. For me a goat is a goat, so I’m not trophy hunting. In my experience Wyoming wildlife biologists are easy to get in touch with and great at sharing info. Good luck on drawing!!
I have 11 antelope points and am not thrilled with the options / stats of last years point draws. Lots of units to get a buck sure, but the units I was hoping to get to when I started buying points keep creeping up and up out of reach.
There's big ones in every unit, some more than others. My wife shot a 94 6/8 last September using 10 pts.
Looking for some advice on a Wyoming antelope hunt for 2025. My only big game hunting experience is whitetail in Iowa where I live so if I sound dumb that’s why. I have 7 points and have done research and have 4 units in mind that I should be able to draw and have decent public access. I’ll be 39 this year and had planned to get out west earlier in life but had twin girls so that changed plans. Girls will be out of daycare and in school next fall so plan was to go in 2025. I haven’t looked into point requirements much until now and was surprised to find that 7 points won’t get me into most of the areas I thought it would or would have when I started applying. In my research I have found that antelope numbers are down but also have been going down for the last 15 years. Lots of people talk about waiting for numbers to go up but seems that may not happen. My question is do I go or wait? 8 or 9 points seems like it would open up more areas but those areas that took 8 or 9 this year might be 10 next year. My thought is to just go and get some experience rather than wait. Have been buying points for elk and deer so that will be in my future as well.

Not looking to do the special draw or pay trespass fee unless it’s cheap but guessing that doesn’t exist. From my research it doesn’t sound like 2nd or 3rd choice will have many options that have the amount of public land I would need so would be relying on using my points on first choice. If anyone wants to discuss units or has recommendations send me a message.
Go hunt. Take your time and glass up as many as you can. Judging them will be the real challenge.