2025 NRL Hunter

I was there. I thought it ran pretty well. Everything flowed well. And was straightforward. It just wasn't that complicated.

The freestone was a mess though. It definitely needed much more signage. The given maps were not great. And they way they broke it into quadrants with different numbers of targets was confusing and caused log jams.
I shot skills so got a little guidance looking for that ram. It was still hard to find! I somehow mis ranged that target and was shooting at its feet. Finding the targets was by far the hardest thing to learn this past weekend. A little more practice building a good position and I think I'll do alot better in the next one. I believe I finished with 70 points.
I shot skills so got a little guidance looking for that ram. It was still hard to find! I somehow mis ranged that target and was shooting at its feet. Finding the targets was by far the hardest thing to learn this past weekend. A little more practice building a good position and I think I'll do alot better in the next one. I believe I finished with 70 points.
I found it in the binos. But then it took me awhile to find it again in the scope. Pretty sure I just saw the vital plate at first.

Then after the match walking back I took a look and about couldn't find it. That was a devious target.