2025 NRL Hunter

Looking for an individual slot for the matches below, please let me know if you have a spot up for grabs. Shot my first 1 day match over the weekend and I'm pretty hooked. Thanks!

Battle of Rattlesnake Butte, Co
Buffalo Bills Revenge, Wy
Burris Colorado Extreme Hunter, Co
Looking for an individual slot for the matches below, please let me know if you have a spot up for grabs. Shot my first 1 day match over the weekend and I'm pretty hooked. Thanks!

Battle of Rattlesnake Butte, Co
Buffalo Bills Revenge, Wy
Burris Colorado Extreme Hunter, Co
I see openings pop up in the NRL Hunter Facebook page.
What needs to be adjusted?
NO mandatory Friday check-in. Have a power factor "stage" setup throughout the course, where you will also weigh in.... If your gear isn't right that's on you and your not shooting for score. Not hard to weigh your gun at home/ check speeds at home. Friday should be optional. It makes the "2 day match" 3 days or more depending on travel.
NO mandatory Friday check-in. Have a power factor "stage" setup throughout the course, where you will also weigh in.... If your gear isn't right that's on you and your not shooting for score. Not hard to weigh your gun at home/ check speeds at home. Friday should be optional. It makes the "2 day match" 3 days or more depending on travel.
Idaho match last year had all check in stuff on Saturday morning and it ran really well. ROs still shot Friday. I think they're doing the same this year too.
NO mandatory Friday check-in. Have a power factor "stage" setup throughout the course, where you will also weigh in.... If your gear isn't right that's on you and your not shooting for score. Not hard to weigh your gun at home/ check speeds at home. Friday should be optional. It makes the "2 day match" 3 days or more depending on travel.
The match directors of the Idaho match have been experimenting with just doing a saturday morning check in and it seems to be working fine. It is nice to have quite a bit of time to double and triple check your gun, but the extra day for friday check in sure eats in to vacation time.
NO mandatory Friday check-in. Have a power factor "stage" setup throughout the course, where you will also weigh in.... If your gear isn't right that's on you and your not shooting for score. Not hard to weigh your gun at home/ check speeds at home. Friday should be optional. It makes the "2 day match" 3 days or more depending on travel.
I totally agree with this and have been asking for it for a couple of years.
Needing to take friday off in addition to burning a whole weekend for a match sucks. Heck I went to a casual club level match yesterday and left before the last 2 stages just because it felt like a waste to spend the whole day there for the amount of shooting done.

Bummed that all the 1 day matches in IA aren't happening this year like last.
I’d love to see the entire match be 1 day. We had to show up Friday for check in for an hour of actual content that was scheduled for 3 hours. There goes a vacation day. Saturday we were done shooting 10 stages with 4+ hours of daylight left to come back Sunday to shoot for 4 hours. No one was in a hurry to start awards ceremony so we left early to relieve the child care at home. I understand the weekend is social for some people but it’s double the time period it could be. This could also allow 2x the shooters on the course over a weekend making the events more profitable.

The administrative parts of the match were not particularly streamlined from an organization or time management perspective. The stage explanation and maps were hand drawn magic marker on poster board. The location for check in, weigh in and shooting was not marked, etc. Coming from an endurance sports racing there was not very modern or evolved event management. You can even go to certain sporting clays tournaments and you can shoot that many positions in half a day.

Stage to stage wait time varied wildly throughout both days telling me there are some gaps to be optimized. Signing up for squads is a cool idea but there is probably an optimal ratio of individual, skills and teams per squad. Some squads had 3 teams and others have none. Maybe I’m impatient but the waiting aspect of match shooting has always driven me crazy. Spare time to shoot matches is very hard to come by.