2025 NRL Hunter

I get flagged more at a public range than I ever have at a PRS or NRL match. I’d go as far to say I have rarely gotten flagged at matches and people are normally reminded pretty quickly if they are.

Now hunting, and public ranges. Drives me nuts.

Bullets that leave the property causes loss of access. The guns we are shooting can send a ND a long way. Iv have a much larger appreciation for where my bullets are going since shooting matches.

My thoughts growing up with one in the chamber and changing some habits after starting to shoot matches.
It’s when you close the bolt to chamber a round with the rifle pointed at or over the horizon

The issue is that term is being used for more than that. It’s being used for anytime someone closes the bolt when not aiming directly at a target- whether or not the muzzle is pointed at the target.
The issue is that term is being used for more than that. It’s being used for anytime someone closes the bolt when not aiming directly at a target- whether or not the muzzle is pointed at the target.
I don’t have as much of an issue with this, because it is fairly venue and Md specific. Ranges have been lost in WI for ND above the intended berm. Not enough wide open spaces and topography. It’s unfortunate but I do understand why it is done.

The safety manipulation part is justifiable. It’s not like hunting, my safety really is never on at a match, because my bolt is either open or I’m on target about to shoot.