2024 NRL Hunter schedule


Dec 8, 2019
Anyone going to the Finale have any insight on the "safety" rules that are going to be in place? I've never shot an Iowa match, but have heard plenty about the DQs handed out like party favors in his matches.

The concept of "sky loading" has been discussed in most matches I've been to or RO'd. I've heard Travis's stance on it several times. It certainly differs from the IA MDs, just curious who gets the final say in this situation.
Dec 30, 2014
Anyone going to the Finale have any insight on the "safety" rules that are going to be in place? I've never shot an Iowa match, but have heard plenty about the DQs handed out like party favors in his matches.

The concept of "sky loading" has been discussed in most matches I've been to or RO'd. I've heard Travis's stance on it several times. It certainly differs from the IA MDs, just curious who gets the final say in this situation.

I'm just done 1 days there, Jim discusses sky loading in his safety briefs but I think things are more lenient on the casual 1 day matches. Never heard of it being an issue at the 2 matches i went to.


Dec 8, 2019
I'm just done 1 days there, Jim discusses sky loading in his safety briefs but I think things are more lenient on the casual 1 day matches. Never heard of it being an issue at the 2 matches i went to.

I've shot 5 NRLH this year, and it's been a discussion at every match because of Jim, and even more so at the ones that were directly after his. I know all statistics online are made up, but I'd like to see the total number of DQs in the season and the % of those that come from Jim's matches. I'm guessing he accounts for... 75% or more??

Also weird that he would have different standards for the level of the match if it's truly a safety concern.


Apr 22, 2013
Differences between matches usually comes down to eyes or no eyes (vast majority don't require safety glass) and how stringent on gun handling violation.

Gunsite (AZ) requires eyes so they're strict about it. Two of the Laramie matches required eyes but the last one did not.

Point a gun at an RO and you're out. That's every match. I saw a guy approaching his first stage with a slung rifle lean forward when his tripod fell. DQ'd when the muzzle was inadvertently pointed at the RO. Be cognizant of your muzzle at all times at every match.

Sky loading.

This gets most new folks. Get used to never taking your cheek off the gun with a closed bolt. In other words, don't close the bolt until you have the target in your scope and you're ready shoot. Treat it like a safety, the last thing you do before you shoot. This should be something everyone should do for general safety. I have no safety on my gun, my bolt is my safety.

"Some" matches have taken this to the next level. You can get called for sky loading if you look at your turret and make an adjustment with the bolt closed.


Dec 8, 2019
"Some" matches have taken this to the next level. You can get called for sky loading if you look at your turret and make an adjustment with the bolt closed.

That is Jim's match, and the reason for my question. I have no issue with strict safety measures when dealing with firearms, especially in a match setting, and will do my best to follow whatever rules the MD sets forth. But his definition of sky loading is frankly ridiculous.


Sep 21, 2022
Decorah is rolling hills, there are multiple places where you can see a farmhouse in the distance where a round could certainly make it to the house if it were fired towards the house. That was the basis for the enhanced "skyloading" rule.

I've shot & RO'd that match a couple of times - from memory you get a warning, second warning is a stage DQ and third time was a match DQ. Probably plenty of warnings issued, and maybe a couple of stage DQ - but I dont recollect a bunch of match DQs from it. If your cheek was still maintaining contact with the stock it wasnt skyloading to look up at your turret. Lifting your head off the rifle was when it was called. (Disclaimer - this was how it was the last two years)

IMHO it wasn't as bad as it sounds. If you have any concern - just lift the bolt up.

Justin Crossley

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Buckley, WA
I will not be shooting the finale due to location and match director. I sent Travis an email explaining why.

I'll also never shoot one of Collin's matches again after meeting him last year and shooting the finale he hosted.


Dec 8, 2019
Location seems like it's always tough with these matches in general. Collin can be a little odd, but I like him well enough. The eye pro last year sucked especially with the conditions. I do agree that it seems like more thought should go into who and where the finale is, but I'm obviously not part of those convos so who knows how they decide.

I hope this weekend goes fine, just skeptical that it will from most of what I've heard. Will be interesting having non-competing ROs. I like the concept, but hope they have some perspective of what it's like shooting this type of match. Will also be interesting to see if any of the actual "contenders" get into issues with the rules.

Justin Crossley

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Buckley, WA
Why is this? I thought the finale last year went fine apart from the required eye protection but that wasn't a huge deal to me.
I'm not going to post all the details, but I felt he was extremely rude when he and I were having a conversation at the match, so I'll gladly take my business elsewhere.

I'm sure he's a nice guy (other people have said so), but that was not my experience.


Dec 19, 2017
I was skeptical at the beginning after the safety briefing for the Finale, however, I had 0 issues. I think a lot of people overreacted with how his delivery was. You got warnings, so it wasn't like you just got tossed. No one on our squad even got a warning, and we had 2 young guns. I enjoyed this match.

I RO'd the Finale last year, and my biggest gripe was they didn't drop the eye pro requirement until less than a week before the match. Had I had more time to get some other lenses for my glasses, I would have been fine.

I will say this, this series is still young and growing. There are always growing pains and getting your system sorted out. Take Vernal for instance. Last year, there was a lot of flack directed at that match. And the MD didn't seem very receptive to the criticism directed his way. But after some time, they took it and made this year's match better and didn't repeat the same mistakes. MD is a thankless job, that they do to keep these matches going. I've been a MD for years, from 3 gun to 22 PRS, and you'll never make everyone happy. We've got good MDs that try I believe, and I hope that we give them both kudos and constructive criticism when earned.

Also Alaska is getting a match in June next year and the Finale is in Arizona. In August. It should be nice and cool.


Apr 22, 2013
They didn’t update the online results after arbitration so there are a number of folks showing incorrect score.


Jun 19, 2020
There were a few things happened as far as violations. One squad got a stage DQ and the other one turned into a bit of a fiasco but was worked out and the squad finished Sunday. There were plenty of warnings written on score cards but to my knowledge that was as far as they went. Match briefing was a bit excessive..... It was nearly an hour🤦 was still a great time though and I would go back. Looking forward to next year


Mar 2, 2012
North Central Wi
I had no issues with Jim’s take on the safety rules at the Iowa match I shot. They make sense and really for a competitive shooter should be near natural to follow them.

I wouldn’t let that deter me from shooting a match there.

I made zero matches in 2024, nothing lined up, changed work schedule mid summer.

Hope to make some in 2025.


Dec 8, 2019
He absolutely had some "influence" about his take on sky loading, backed off the norm to say that if you were checking dope or turrets you didn't have to open bolt.

His chamber flag rule was stupid, I have one of the mag block ones that stick up into the open chamber, so two birds one stone, mag out and bolt blocked. But that wasn't allowed because some idiot at a previous match used a single feed sled and had a ND. So of course just ban them all now.

In the 12ish NRLH matches I have shot I have never once been warned or even given a heads up about something I did that was unsafe or broke the rules. In the 18 stages this weekend I think I had 4 RO's say something. No official warnings, but they felt the need to say sooooomething. It was fine, but really kinda silly.

It was however a great match, location was awesome aside from being in BFE. Course of fire was good, shorter than a lot, but overall winner dropping 8 points is probably about normal. Nothing gimmicky and some nice variation on targets/positions.