2024 New Mexico Draw Results

Crossed my mind too. I don't think it matters for people drawing OIL type stuff but it's easy to come back to these threads in fall and see where people went.
I've done that. Cross reference results thread with the meatpole thread. Just tell us you drew no need for unit #s.

Congrats to all of you that did draw. Nothing for me.
While drawing a tag in New Mexico is already hard as it is...announcing what units and hunt codes and such doesn't make it any easier. Anyone with some sense can use this information with little to no research. I understand people are excited they drew, but the best way to increase pressure is announce what and where you drew.

Rant over. Congrats on those who drew. We didn't.
I was going to take real shooting class this year but I drew a cow elk tag (and a fishing license) instead.
NMGFD home page is down but if you are wanting to see draw odds or harvest rates or maps for hunts you drew you can come in the back door.

After 20 years finally drew my first non archery quality deer tag. Mixed emotions though because both my boys got skunked. I realized today I’m at the stage in my life that I love helping and watching them fill their tags as much as hunting my own. I’ll enjoy mine this year, but will enjoy it more if they go with me.
After all red last year, I have a busy fall. 2nd archery elk, Dec Coues, Archery Ibex, Barbary, and javelina. My 14 yo son drew the same deer and javelina, and my wife and daughter each managed a rifle bull tag in October!!!!
After all red last year, I have a busy fall. 2nd archery elk, Dec Coues, Archery Ibex, Barbary, and javelina. My 14 yo son drew the same deer and javelina, and my wife and daughter each managed a rifle bull tag in October!!!!
Now that sounds expensive!
I put in for a gila elk tag every year. This year i told my outfitter to put me in the toughest unit to draw for mule deer, with the biggest trophys. He put me in for unit 2B and i drew. Seeing alot of discouraging information on this forum. Hoping its really not that bad fingers crossed.
What dates did you draw? i got the 26-30 hunt
It was for me last year!! Migrating deer didnt get the memo!!! I didnt pay outfitter though. 2B Nov riflr was my 1st choice this year cause I now know the area but I drew 2nd choise and gotta learn again
Headed out there this year, i have fished a good bit in the san juan but never hunted up there! would love some insight if your down to PM me!