2024 CO Muzzleloader Planning

Feb 14, 2021
I'm normally exclusively a bow hunter, but I am now looking at a second shoulder surgery in three months. As a result, I am hoping to return to the mountains but will likely not be able to bring my bow this time around. I'm still holding out hope that come draw time I can go with "plan A" and put in for archery tags, but the reality is sinking in that if I want to be out in the field in 2024, it's not going to be with a bow.

I was thinking I'd do muzzleloader for logistical reasons of already having all the gear for early season ready to go. That said, I looked, and it appears like 2024 is a little weird in terms of timing. The season for muzzleloader in 2024 doesn't open until 9/14.

As a result, I'm finding myself wondering where the deer will be given the variability of September weather in CO. I'm currently batting 1 for 3 on mule deer tags with a bow and usually where I find them during the summer is right where they are on opening day (the 2nd).

Ultimately I am wondering if my scouting routine changes given the later dates or if I should stay the course. Do I look for lower elevations than I normally would? Will the deer still be up in the alpine in mid September?

I'm also debating burning all my elk points given the later dates of muzzleloader season, but that's a question for a different sub-forum.
What about a crossbow? If you are having a surgery you can get a Drs waiver to use it during archery season.

As a bow hunter I would do that before muzzy.

Otherwise I would look to get a later rifle tag for deer. Mid November is best.

For elk muzzy is actually the best time IMO, but the crossbow option again would be best to have the whole month!
Deer will most likely be in the same spot(s) all of September, they'll just be using cover more as they shed velvet and and are harder horned. Less time in the open between hunting pressure and non-hunting rec pressure, most places anyway.