2024 Best Wild Sheep Hunt Photo Contest, by Stone Glacier

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
BK Reynolds winning sheep 2023.jpeg

edfreeway sheep finalist 2023.jpg

We're back for another year of big beautiful wild sheep photos! The photos above are some finalists from our 2023 contest.

Stone Glacier is putting up some great prizes, perfect for any sheep hunter. Stone Glacier loves wild sheep and the proof is this contest.

For 2024, 1st place will take the Stone Glacier Sky Solus 1P Tent reviewed here & here and shown here
Solus pic 2 by SLDMTN.jpg

and for 2nd place, the Stone Glacier Tokeen Day Pack reviewed
here and shown here
Tokeen pack by Mtwarden.jpeg

Some excellent prizes for the top two winners!

3rd place will take home a complete Phone Skope Digiscoping System here

Here are the Rules for the 2024 contest. Please follow them or your entry could be deleted without notice.

This is NOT a biggest sheep contest, but a "best photo" contest. The winning photo will be judged on the following criteria:

*to note you can't enter a photo for someone else. They must enter it themselves (per rules #4-6) , otherwise the sheep guides and those with big families/friend circles would have better odds. There is a thread for those photos, or photos that aren't contest worthy: 2024 Wild Sheep Meatpole

1) WOW Factor. Is it a great photo that grabs the viewer? This takes in lighting, color, uniqueness, etc. View previous contest winners to see what we're looking for.

2) Composition- by that I mean the way in which the different parts that make up your photo are arranged- is there too much background, not enough animal? or visa versa? Are the horn tips out of the frame or the hunters head cut off? Or is it a good balance between the sheep, the hunter, the terrain? (the hunter is not required to appear in the photo.)

3) Size of animal. This is a quality image contest first and doesn't mean biggest animal wins, but it could!

4) Must be a photo of a sheep you harvested in 2024--or after December 10th 2023. (you must be able to prove date of harvest)

5) By December 10th, post up your best harvest photo on this thread

6) Must be a Rokslide member to enter your photo. One Photo Per Sheep Only. We delete posts with multiple photos. If you harvest multiple sheep (lucky dog!), you can enter one photo for each

7) Also, by posting on this thread, you agree to let Rokslide and Stone Glacier use any of the photos in promotional material without compensation

8) Any international winner is responsible for border tax, custom fees, excessive postage fees, etc.

Besides the winning photos posted above, here are the rest of the finalists from 2023 if you want to get an idea of what staff & members are looking for:
2023 Finalists

@Travis Bertrand @realunlucky @mtnwrunner @philos @Brock A @Howard Mee

AC Kantor

Sep 3, 2022
Please see my submission. I love my SG gear and Ryan D'Agostino customer support. Absolutely first class. I wish I had photographer skills but am still happy with this ram harvested on August 12th.Ram photo.jpg
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Classified Approved
Jul 13, 2021
North Dakota

I harvested this 12 year-old ram with Jonah Stewart on 08/20. All you Roksliders helped me pick him years ago w/ a special shoutout to my fellow North Dakotan (Dakotaman).

I have another picture from another angle and it really should be on the cover of a magazine. I would love to post that picture here, but I promised Jonah I wouldn't share any photos with a background. After meeting him and his family, I don't want to jeopardize how he earns a living. But this is still a great photo, right!?

Everything about hunting with Jonah was fantastic. I had mentally prepared myself to hunt 10 days and come up empty. But, we found this behemoth and were able to get within 475 yards and the rest is history.

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Sep 12, 2024
I'm Tasha, a Northern BC resident hunter, and below is my favorite photo and a brief write-up about my first sheep hunt and first stone ram I took on August 7, 2024.

3 days into our first sheep hunt, @norris909 spotted our ram. It took 3 hours to reach the mountain top where he was located.

We spent 5 days studying the ram, reviewing photos and videos, and observing his habits. Waiting for him to make a mistake and give us the right opportunity. Despite concerns that we might have spooked him due to changing winds and his sighting of us, our persistence and patience paid off on the evening of day 8. He was bedded in the same spot we initially saw him. After an hour of watching through my scope, I managed to pull the trigger on my first stone ram! After we had the ram broken down, skinned and deboned, the northern lights came out briefly while the sun was starting to rise.

Over a year of preparation went into this hunt and I could not have done it without @norris909 guidance and support. I am grateful that he shares a passion for hunting and has friends that are willing to share their knowledge and experience with us. We both used Stone Glacier Sky Guide 7900 packs and also the Universal Phone Scope mount for the spotting scope.

Sheep hunting is gruelling, it is not for everyone. Packing 70% of your body weight out of the back country is no easy feat, it will test not only your physical but your mental endurance as well.

20240808_031549.jpg 📸@NORRIS909


Dec 10, 2016
I was extremely blessed to take this ram in AK on Aug 24th. The stalk, shot, breakdown, and pack back to camp was all done in heavy snow. Hard a hard time getting a range on him for the shot due to the snow, but it worked out! Behind me in this picture is a deep valley with camp 1500’ below, but it just looks like a white abyss. He was only 1 of 9 total sheep we saw from the ground on the hunt. It was a dream come true for me and honestly, still doesn’t feel real as I think back on it…IMG_6754.jpeg
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