2023 Yukon Moose father son hunt

Mar 27, 2020
New York
As a young boy watching Dad go off into the woods, I would wait by the window dreaming of the days that I would be old enough to venture off with him. He would always come back with exhilarating stories and often have a Whitetail or turkey in tow.

Growing up in upstate New York, dad and I would watch the stars of the outdoor world make their trips around the globe but to us, and many like us I'm sure, nothing stood greater than the Yukon moose and the wilds in which they live. The giants and their vast landscapes embodied the pinnacle of hunting and it was always dad's dream to one day have the chance to chase his own Yukon adventure.

Fast forward, and as soon as I was able, even before I could pull the trigger, I was trapsing around our small oasis with dad learning the ins and outs of the woods and growing ever more obsessed with what mother nature had to offer. Sharing memories and encounters with black bear, Whitetail and coyotes my love for the outdoors and sitting in a tree with dad grew at an uncontrollable pace and before I knew it, we were standing over my first Whitetail doe together.

For as long as I can remember, my father always put his family first and it was no different when we were in the woods together, always setting me up in the better spot and giving me the green light to pull the trigger. I can't count how many Whitetail hunts we shared or the black bears we spot and stalked together that ended in big hugs and heavy drags.

My father was always a humble man and most don't know it but he is an American hero. He prefers not to talk about it, but it deserves to be known. Dad was a lieutenant in the FDNY and was at ground zero on 9/11 when the towers came down. There's no greater man I look up to in this world than him so when he told me "We're going to the Yukon. Find the best camp and set it up." , I was determined to make this the trip of his life.
Mar 27, 2020
New York
It wasn't long before I found Logan and Jessie Young, owners of Midnight Sun outfitting and after speaking with them a few times I knew we had found our place and the trip was booked. A long two year wait and we were finally packing to head out into the bush.

The trip started when we landed in Dawson city and Jessie Young met us to show us around the historic gold mining town. The next day Dad, another hunter and I hopped on a float plane and we were on the way to base camp and ten days off the grid, just the way we like it.


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Mar 27, 2020
New York
We landed at base camp on a secluded lake with a few cabins and as we stepped out of the bush plane all the memories of watching these towering mountains on TV with dad came pouring back into my mind. To see a place you've only since dreamed of, that first breath in the Yukon mountains, is something that I'm not sure words can describe.

After we got settled we sat down with Logan to go over our tags and game plan for the next ten days. With plenty of tags to fill and roughly 7 million acres in this concession, he advised us that our best bet would be to split up initially to cover more area. We would both be assigned a guide and a wrangler and would head out to our spike camps in the morning. We met the crew and had a beautiful meal of dall sheep prepared by MSO's world class camp chef. Climbing into my sleeping bag that first night under the Yukon stars my mind couldn't help but run rampid with the possibilities of what was to come. I didn't get a wink of sleep that night and if I know my dad at all, he didn't either.


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Mar 27, 2020
New York
The first day of our official hunt we awoke to every hunters dream of frost all around and clearing skies. After a five star breakfast and a few cups of coffee we began to get our gear prepped and ready. To get to our spike camps I would be heading out on Horseback for a three day haul to an area that hadn't been hunted since 2019, hunting along the way. As for dad, he was taking a supercub flight to an area where previously in the season, guides had spotted multiple big bulls not far from camp.

As we said our good byes and good lucks, my guide Cody, wrangler L2 and I started our trail ride with a string of eight horses and my girl Thelma Louise, a big sturdy mule. As we rounded the base of the first mountain we could hear the buzz of the supercub take off and I couldn't help but smile. Dad was headed deeper into the bush for an adventure he had waited his whole life for.


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Mar 27, 2020
New York
Day 1 of riding and we were right into bushwacking through the thick Willows. A beautiful bluebird sky day made for easy riding and it wasn't long before we spotted a chocolate black bear at the top of the ridge in front of us feeding on berries. With a bear tag in my pocket and Cody letting me know how rare they are in the concession, it didn't take long to decide to make a play. We took the horses as high as we could and then went off up the seemingly vertical Ridgeline with packs and rifles. The wind was perfect and as we finally crested the ridge after about a 30 minute climb, there she was.

After creeping into 20 yards and seeing that she was a young sow, we elected to pass and just enjoyed the beautiful bear in her natural environment just a stones throw away, completely unaware of our presence. The view at the top was worth the climb alone and my guide and I took some time to appreciate what God and mother nature had blessed us with on this picture perfect mountaintop.

After shedding some layers and making it back to the horses, we quickly rejoined L2 and the rest of the string. We rode the rest of the day and got to a small cabin just as the sun was starting to sink. After unloading the horses and settling into camp Cody came into the cabin and says "Want some good news? Your dad just killed his bull!" A flurry of emotions came welling up inside me. The overwhelming calm, the excitement and the relief that Dad's dream had just become a reality


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Mar 27, 2020
New York
The next few days were more of the same, bushwacking and bog, just enough rain to keep you wet, and day dreaming of a paddle in the Willows, betraying an otherwise hidden big bull moose.

When we finally arrived to the valley we planned to hunt, I could see why Cody was excited to get after it. This area hadn't seen a hunter since 2019 and was such a large spot that there was potential for some true Yukon giants to be roaming these draws. We set up camp and made a game plan for the morning. Tomorrow, the real hunt begins.

Day 5 my eyes opened and I was out of my bag and dressed with a new fire burning inside me. Dad had his bull on the ground and that had me amped to get in the binos and glass glass glass. The moose were just on the brink of the rut and they would be moving to find the first hot cows and when they did, we would be ready. We took the horses up the mountain to the tree line, tied off and started up to our planned glassing ridge. A quick steep push up through a ridge of boulders and we were tucked in and set up to glass the whole valley and two big draws below us.


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Mar 27, 2020
New York
Fast forward two days and by this point we were racking up hours in the binos with only a few cows and some sheep to show for it. It was time to get aggressive. The day prior my guide Cody had spotted some big moose sheds in the back if the valley so we decided to take the horses for a ride, scoop some sheds and hunt along the way. We finally got to the back of the drainage after around a two hour horse back ride and man did this area look good up close.

We admired the couple big sheds and figured since we were already back here that we would take a quick look over the ridge behind us. We crested the top, threw the binos up and almost immediately Cody said the words I was waiting to hear all week. "There's a good bull right there man." We were about 900 yards up the ridge from him and the wind was perfect. We quickly put together a plan and the stalk was on. 600 yards, 500 yards, 400... by then we were able to get a good look and he was a no doubt shooter. So we set up in the rocks and waited him out. Minutes felt like hours and after the bull did some raking he finally stepped out quartering to us just enough. Watching the massive bull in my scope I couldn't help but feel the flood of it all racing through my mind. From watching this exact moment on TV with my dad, to the planning, the anticipation. And now it all came down to one moment. My moment. I wanted to live in it forever. I settled the crosshairs on his shoulder and squeezed off the shot.

"Down!" Cody yelled. "What!?" I replied in complete shock. "You dropped him bud!" I couldn't believe it. I didn't know what to do or say. What was a dream for so long was now a reality. I finally snapped back to reality and we started down the hillside to the bull. We were on him in no time and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. For sure the biggest animal I will ever lay my hands on. The overwhelming rush of emotions and adrenaline of finally taking the trophy you've been chasing is the drug I will pursue until my last day and this time was no different. Those are the moments that will live inside me forever.


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Mar 27, 2020
New York
The rest of the trip was a blur of horses, packing meat and staring at antler. The last morning in camp I took a short walk alone to soak up the silence and the vastness as i knew it would be a long while before i could experience real wilderness again. Before we knew, we were loading the beaver and wondering where the past 10 days had gone. As we took off from the lake, me and dad were swapping stories and sharing pictures before the floats had lifted off the water. Me and Dad have been on alot of adventures together but this is one that we will reminisce for the rest of our lives.

If you made it this far, you can watch the hunt on my channel below as there is a ton more in the video than I can put down on paper. I Hope everyone gets to experience what me and dad did at least once in their lives at some level.



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Oct 22, 2024
The rest of the trip was a blur of horses, packing meat and staring at antler. The last morning in camp I took a short walk alone to soak up the silence and the vastness as i knew it would be a long while before i could experience real wilderness again. Before we knew, we were loading the beaver and wondering where the past 10 days had gone. As we took off from the lake, me and dad were swapping stories and sharing pictures before the floats had lifted off the water. Me and Dad have been on alot of adventures together but this is one that we will reminisce for the rest of our lives.

If you made it this far, you can watch the hunt on my channel below as there is a ton more in the video than I can put down on paper. I Hope everyone gets to experience what me and dad did at least once in their lives at some level.



May 16, 2015
Thanks for sharing your hunt and photos...the YT is truly a great place to be! Glad you were able to make that dream happen for your dad and you!
Jun 7, 2023
Great hunt, great video, and fantastic story. That is a tough father/son hunt to beat.

Of all the places I've hunted, the Yukon is the most special. If I were rich, I'd spend a month there every year.