2023 AZ Elk Draw

I got hit this morning. Which was met with overwhelming excitement followed by an ahh crap moment. 😣Fingers crossed I hit the lottery and got my #1 pick, because somehow I messed up my #2 pick and put in for something I don't remember even researching. Which has much lower odds. To which my buddy said "You'd never mess that up"

I blame my newborn for having my brain fried from lack of sleep when I did my application. We shall see :unsure:
How long does it usually take to release the actual results?
It should show on your profile tomorrow. Other than the year it crashed I don't think it's ever taken more than a day or 2 to show in the portal. At least for us.
Just don’t be in a hurry to load the truck up, yet. Few years ago, I applied for archery elk and POINT ONLY for pronghorn. CC was hit.
But wait, it’s a pronghorn tag amount, and then I find out it’s a pronghorn rifle hunt unit. End result was a refund, and told, “the computer had a glitch”
Loving the memes.

I've checked my CC a number of times today. Was just about to tell my boys the bad news when I decided I should check again.

Bam! Youth tag for one of my boys. Will be a first tag in pocket for one of them!
My CC hit this afternoon about 1600 for our tags. I did not draw last year.

My son (14 years old) told me a few weeks ago he wanted to go elk hunting this year so I put him in for a youth hunt.

It'll be a few days before we get the deets on which hunts we drew, but I am just thankful we were drawn, and I'll get a chance to take him on his first elk hunt.

Swing and a miss. 6 pts got me nothing, even though I put in for a late rifle hunt that “should” have been 100% at that point total.

My buddy drew a tag…. With ZERO points. His first time applying.
Yeah with my points I had enough points that it said I had a 100% draw odds for my first choice also but no love as usual. I've got the worst luck at drawing tags.
Swing and a miss. 6 pts got me nothing, even though I put in for a late rifle hunt that “should” have been 100% at that point total.

My buddy drew a tag…. With ZERO points. His first time applying.
Yeah with my points I had enough points that it said I had a 100% draw odds for my first choice also but no love as usual. I've got the worst luck at drawing tags.
When you say 100% draw odds do you mean that last year people drew with the same points you have this year? Point creep is real. I always assume it will take one more than it did last year. Sometimes more. Last year my second choice unit went up 2 full points.