2022 Blacktail Bucks

I've heard multiple people talk about this for next season. Would be great for hunters, terrible for already struggling populations.


I apologize I misspoke, it goes through the 10th not the 13th. It’s was proposed at the September commission meeting along with the rest of the 2023 regs.
Wow. The coast general elk season is messed up. I have my son hunt second season so it’s on thanksgiving break. And it’s been like that forever.
Last day of A zone... Left at 430 am to get to my spot. Absent-mindedly reached for my recurve shortly before I arrive at my spot. It's not there. I know I grabbed it. Oh crap, I set it on top of my truck while putting other stuff in. Rush back home (like 15 minutes), and find my bow in the driveway. I ran over it and destroyed 4/5 arrows... One is still good. Didn't see our hear anything.

630 pm. My neighbor sends me this picture. I go out and my only option is to come from upwind. In the open. I get to the edge of the pond... About 25 yards away. The buck doesn't care about me in my blue pajama bottoms and light gray sweater. Stalemate for about 20 minutes while the doe decides what to do. She decides to move 30 yards to the left and behind me. The buck follows. The buck and I are both in the open, and I can make that 30 yard shot... But the doe is upset, and I see another buck about 50 yards to my 7oclock. This dark buck, still doesn't notice me or care, but I don't want to draw, being out in the open. They all run off together onto another neighbor's property and I revel in the tension and relief. Can't get to my premium tag this year, but I can go to another spot a few hours away next week. That the first time I was that close in season with a weapon in hand.


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My wife killed a nice one today, love seeing her successful, it was an awesome day
This hunt was pretty awesome, she actually missed this buck last year after passing 8 or 9 smaller bucks, so she was pretty bummed out finally getting that chance at a mature buck… it was pretty special to me that not only did she kill a nice buck, but it was redemption… I was really hoping that she would get a chance at this buck, but I also know how unlikely it was.

This buck was a statue for 2 hours and 25 minutes, we could see him through limbs, but no shot… then around the 2 hour mark, a bear was crashing around below us but luckily didn’t come up and spook the buck. He finally started feeding and my wife made a great shot… I get more excited when she has success than my own… by a long shot

I get so stressed out when she is the shooter, because I want her to succeed, and I’m always worried about things not going perfect, because experience tells me that things generally aren’t perfect, there is usually adversity and always improvise… that’s the beauty of hunting, not knowing how things will shake out when the dust clears.

Another late morning buck, spotted at 10:30 and killed around 1pm in high sun… pretty special day for me.

The other cool and somewhat selfish thing is now I get all of those south coast bucks to myself for archery season 😏
This hunt was pretty awesome, she actually missed this buck last year after passing 8 or 9 smaller bucks, so she was pretty bummed out finally getting that chance at a mature buck… it was pretty special to me that not only did she kill a nice buck, but it was redemption… I was really hoping that she would get a chance at this buck, but I also know how unlikely it was.

This buck was a statue for 2 hours and 25 minutes, we could see him through limbs, but no shot… then around the 2 hour mark, a bear was crashing around below us but luckily didn’t come up and spook the buck. He finally started feeding and my wife made a great shot… I get more excited when she has success than my own… by a long shot

I get so stressed out when she is the shooter, because I want her to succeed, and I’m always worried about things not going perfect, because experience tells me that things generally aren’t perfect, there is usually adversity and always improvise… that’s the beauty of hunting, not knowing how things will shake out when the dust clears.

Another late morning buck, spotted at 10:30 and killed around 1pm in high sun… pretty special day for me.

The other cool and somewhat selfish thing is now I get all of those south coast bucks to myself for archery season 😏
Beautiful bucks and neat story, thanks!