2020 Elk Call setup

Jun 5, 2018
New Jersey
I have one with the EZ bugler mouthpiece. It seems fairly quiet, but is much heavier.

The EZ bugler IS super easy to get a pretty good sounding bugle, but harder to get inflection, voice, and lip bawls. We will see how it does with a little practice.
Much heavier than the plastic one? I was hoping it would be lighter


Aug 24, 2012
Rocky Mtns, CO
Like most people digging through the Rokslide elk forums, I am itching to get into the elk woods for 2020. With all the craziness going on right now, I am more than ready to chase some bugles.

I am sticking with the Phelps Unleashed full size bugle tube and Phelps reeds. My favorites are pink and white. They are easy to use and generate plenty of volume.

I really like the Phelps E-Z Estrus external call. I like the build quality as well as the sound.

In the "Why didn't I think of that" category I picked up a handy gadget called "The Bugle Mule” from allelk.coM. The Bugle Mule wraps around your bugle tube and has three (or two depending on model) neoprene sleeves to hold your reeds. A nylon cover for the reeds pockets has a silent magnetic closure. The pockets also have spacer mesh, so the reeds dry out. Overall, it is a really simple and clever idea to keep your reeds with your tube at all times.



What is your elk calling setup for 2020?
Bugle Tube for sure!


Mar 30, 2022
Like most people digging through the Rokslide elk forums, I am itching to get into the elk woods for 2020. With all the craziness going on right now, I am more than ready to chase some bugles.

I am sticking with the Phelps Unleashed full size bugle tube and Phelps reeds. My favorites are pink and white. They are easy to use and generate plenty of volume.

I really like the Phelps E-Z Estrus external call. I like the build quality as well as the sound.

In the "Why didn't I think of that" category I picked up a handy gadget called "The Bugle Mule” from allelk.coM. The Bugle Mule wraps around your bugle tube and has three (or two depending on model) neoprene sleeves to hold your reeds. A nylon cover for the reeds pockets has a silent magnetic closure. The pockets also have spacer mesh, so the reeds dry out. Overall, it is a really simple and clever idea to keep your reeds with your tube at all times.



What is your elk calling setup for 2020?
Nice setup! I’ll have to look into the sleeve
Apr 3, 2022
Just bought the little big mouth compact aluminum bugle by Rocky Mountain. I love it so far. Crazy loud and good high end tones.


May 9, 2022
New to elk hunting this year and trying to keep costs low just to make sure I don't spend a lot of $$$ and turns out I do not love it like I thought, how necessary is the call vs not? I don't doubt the effectiveness of having a call but is it the difference between getting an elk or not (among many other factors of course).
May 21, 2022
New to elk hunting this year and trying to keep costs low just to make sure I don't spend a lot of $$$ and turns out I do not love it like I thought, how necessary is the call vs not? I don't doubt the effectiveness of having a call but is it the difference between getting an elk or not (among many other factors of course).
Calling is at times a major part of hunting around rut times. If they aren't actively bugling a hunter sounding off a bugle will often locate elk he would have otherwise not found. While I killed my bull this year not calling and getting close to the heard(was getting ready ti call). I have called in many bulls to bow range and only stalked my way into a few.
Feb 27, 2012
Tijeras NM
I don't know what it is about my original Elknut Chuckler (perhaps the modifications I made????) but it just outperforms every other tube I've tried, including all his new ones. I even tried another original and the elk just don't like it as much. Last year I tried the Phelp's Unleashed and it works fine but just not as well as my original. However, that Unleashed does the best glunking sounds I've ever heard. Called in two bulls and some cows last year just glunking with it.
I still have the original but rarely use it. The last gen Chuckler is hard to beat. Hope i never lose it since they aren available anymore


Jun 2, 2022
Boise, ID
Like most people digging through the Rokslide elk forums, I am itching to get into the elk woods for 2020. With all the craziness going on right now, I am more than ready to chase some bugles.

I am sticking with the Phelps Unleashed full size bugle tube and Phelps reeds. My favorites are pink and white. They are easy to use and generate plenty of volume.

I really like the Phelps E-Z Estrus external call. I like the build quality as well as the sound.

In the "Why didn't I think of that" category I picked up a handy gadget called "The Bugle Mule” from allelk.coM. The Bugle Mule wraps around your bugle tube and has three (or two depending on model) neoprene sleeves to hold your reeds. A nylon cover for the reeds pockets has a silent magnetic closure. The pockets also have spacer mesh, so the reeds dry out. Overall, it is a really simple and clever idea to keep your reeds with your tube at all times.



What is your elk calling setup for 2020?
Rocky Mountain yellow
Like most people digging through the Rokslide elk forums, I am itching to get into the elk woods for 2020. With all the craziness going on right now, I am more than ready to chase some bugles.

I am sticking with the Phelps Unleashed full size bugle tube and Phelps reeds. My favorites are pink and white. They are easy to use and generate plenty of volume.

I really like the Phelps E-Z Estrus external call. I like the build quality as well as the sound.

In the "Why didn't I think of that" category I picked up a handy gadget called "The Bugle Mule” from allelk.coM. The Bugle Mule wraps around your bugle tube and has three (or two depending on model) neoprene sleeves to hold your reeds. A nylon cover for the reeds pockets has a silent magnetic closure. The pockets also have spacer mesh, so the reeds dry out. Overall, it is a really simple and clever idea to keep your reeds with your tube at all times.



What is your elk calling setup for 2020?
The call holder is great, I definitely haven’t lost as many calls these past few years with it.


Aug 5, 2017
That reed holder is slick. Much better than dropping it on the pocket when the mouth is tired.