This little one right here is why we always push practicing free hand shots. He ran across a hill side only 75 yards away. I quickly laid prone to get a sight picture and completely lost him because of the rise in the terrain. Stood up and there he was broad side at 115 yards or so. I let the .22-250 fly and he was bang, flop. DRT.
I don’t post much, but here’s a small local dog from last week. Full moon, called him from 1500+ in to about 75 yards where a ballistic tip 55gr .223 did a number.
Got this one this morning right a storm blew through. Really surprised me since I was trying something different and she came running right in. I missed Coyotes hunting over a bait pile last weekend so I went to my dedicated rifle and was successful. That will teach me not to switch rifles and stick with the 22-250. One small hole on one side and one small hole on the other with a 50 grain VMAX.
Another one from the weekend in my small trapline. Big male coyote. This set had been worked without catching anything last check. I made a few adjustments and got him caught.