2016 MO Ozarks Rok Rally / Turkey Hunt

Oh I'll still hunt, for sure. Just can't take PTO for everything... youth season, Rok Rally, TTH... somethin's gotta give. I've never done a TTH competition and I think it would be pretty cool.
Oh I'll still hunt, for sure. Just can't take PTO for everything... youth season, Rok Rally, TTH... somethin's gotta give. I've never done a TTH competition and I think it would be pretty cool.

I get ya, I assumed this thing, like the TTA event, would be during a weekend? That's the only way I could do it.
Hey everybody- just wanted to throw it out there that I am not able to coordinate anything this year. I may be able to tag along with something, but don't count on me to set anything up.
I wish I could but it looks like I'll be lucky to get out for a day, maybe two. I plan on hiking and camping this summer on the Ozark Trail, maybe we can plan a weekend for that!
Just ran across this thread. I would love to join in a turkey hunt in MO. I live in KC and work down in Springfield a lot. I am not familiar with the area but I can scout or whatever is necessary.
Hey all, my April/May is completely screwed. My sister in law is getting married, so my wife is busy which leaves me to daddy duty. The next five weekends I have 1) bachelorette party, 2) wedding shower, 3) engagement party 4) wedding #1, 5) wedding #2, 6) Mother's Day. I just had to type that all out so I could believe it myself. Rant over.
If you would like someone to go with let me know.

I am also thinking of heading to the Hercules Glades for at least one weekend. Thoughts?
Hercules Glades is a pretty nice area. I camped there a couple weekends ago at Devil's Den. I hear after a rain the glades look pretty neat.