$200-250 basic rangefinder


Jan 31, 2017
Boise, Idaho
Going to get my son his first rangefinder for christmas...He has really taking an interest in big game hunting, long range shooting, etc. He has a set of 10x42 Viper HD binos, so I thought I would upfit him with a rangefinder... I screwed around and missed the Cabelas Black Friday deal that had the Viper HD 3000 on sale for $250....So want does the Rokslide Crowd recommend - no to exceed around $250?
vortex is awesome, even the diamondback because of the lifetime warranty on electronics. Everyone else only offers 3-5 yrs.
This is one of the few things I would recommend vortex for, but with the warranty, vortex. I have the HD 2000 and can get a solid reading at 1,000 yards, even in relatively flat prairie antelope hunting