2 Way Radio

For those concerned about the GMRS license. I got mine was extremely easy.

Now as to whether you really need it and if you would ever run in to trouble using it in the backcountry…. That’s on you

Baofeng makes some good options. A good antennae makes all the difference.
Guys I hunt with have always used the Midland radios with good success, but it’s mostly line off sight, 2-3 miles, even though the advertisement promises 22 miles.
I have an extra class license. My interest is for emergency preparedness. I have HF rigs and such for that.

I never really expected my hunting friends to get amateur licenses. For basic walkie talkie type communication, as I posted above, I think MURS is the way to go. No license, 5 watt VHF.

I do have a dual band 2 meter / 70cm mobile in my truck that might be handy in an emergency.
I'm down the rabbit hole again.

I got my GMRS license and am working on getting my cousin and hunting buddy to do the same and maybe outfit his farm with a GMRS setup - base at the house, etc. No single hunting spot is more than 1.5 miles away from any other, and probably never more than 1.2 miles from the house.

As for my ham license, I am finally holding a unit to use the license - Baofeng UV-82. Just reading the instructions now, but any advice on what to do first, what not to do, etc., would be appreciated.

I'm also thinking about the other licenses. But baby steps....
MURS is great on radios that will do it. Just go easy if you're near a Walmart. Last I checked, they have a grandfathered commercial license that overlaps with MURS frequencies, and interference is no good license or not.