With that info, if you are now a resident what’s another $50 for a second tag? But here’s another question, if you harvest 2 elk where are you going to keep it? Are you going to be able to eat it all? If you don’t have enough freezer to store it and can’t eat it all, then you can buy the tag but I wouldn’t harvest more than 1 elk. One of my pet peeves is seeing people post on social media that they are getting rid of meat cause it “went bad”, was to old, or personal favorite I got another one this year and need the space. Properly packaged and frozen I’ve eaten meat that was 5 years old with no issues.
You can get the tags just don’t get greedy, make sure you know your limits, getting. 2 elk out can take its toll very quickly, even 1 elk for a new hunter, 90% of my packouts are because guys got greedy and got in over their heads
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