To be used in lieu of a side by side, they cannot be beat in my opinion. They are about the same width as most side by sides nowadays, and you can get a really capable Wrangler for about 1/4 the cost of a fancy side by side. We have about 4 grand sunk into our 2000 TJ, and it has air lockers front and rear, a 2.5 inch lift, 33 inch Cooper mud terrains, a winch, adjustable shocks to account for terrain and control the bounce. It's really nice to jump in and turn the heater on when it's cold outside too, and it's killer when it's raining!
However, I would NEVER run it down the freeway to where we hunt. If I was close, like within a half hour or so, I would. But with two people, a small cooler for drinks, our packs, and weapons in the back seat, it's full. Completely full. It's really nice to have it to keep the wear and tear off our trucks in the mountains, but it goes on the trailer whenever we head out hunting. The Jeeps have a tendency to wander and shimmy, and they're honestly not that reliable relative to other options. Newer ones are definitely better, but then you're getting into a vehicle that costs as much or more to replace than your truck. And you still don't have an effective way to carry an elk out.
We have been looking at buying a newer 4 door with a blown motor however, and would swap a 5.3l LS into it. Now THAT I would run down the freeway!