2 days till AK permit results, first post here


Feb 12, 2013
For years I have been visiting the Leatherwall and Bowsite on a daily basis. The other day in response to a spotting scope question someone directed me to this site. Am pleasantly surprised with finding it, the first day I spent hours browsing through different threads and reading stories. I can see where I will spend daily time here. Like the other sites I will probably be more of an observer and not post much. But I will keep tabs on everyone and their hunts, etc. I have fun doing an annual post on the Leatherwall, the last one of 2012 Brooks Range sheep hunt. Dozens of pics and a daily account if anyone is interested....

Tomorrow is the day for ADFG Drawing! I hope all who put in gets a good draw. I myself have just been donating money to them for the last several years.
just got my email from Game & Fish. of the 13 hunts I put in for, I drew NONE. Guess I will start looking for an air taxi for the Brooks Range. Last year did the north slope, would like to do the south slope this year. Any suggestions?
Welcome to the forum and congrats on the ram! Enjoyed all the pictures and the story was well written!