2 CA blacktails


May 2, 2012
My bro and I start to glass and find a forky and a spike across the canyon. He heads over to them and starts a stalk. He gets to about 45 from the forky when the spike heads right for him. The spike gets to about 10 yards and does not like the look of him and goes back up the hill. The forky heads up some and my brother shoots only to have his arrow hit the log in front of the buck, he shot short and they both take off up the mountain. He comes back and we glass more only to see nothing. We head out to go back to camp and on our way out drive by the draw the buck ran into, just in case. Well I stop and start glassing into the bowl and wouldn't you know it, he is standing down the mountain eating away on some shrubs!

I get over to his ridge and start to walk down the ridgeline. I get to my spot and start to go down the hill towards him. I could not have asked for a better wind, it was 930 and the wind was hitting my hard and in the face. I look over at my bro and he says he is down and over to my right some. I slowly creep and just get to a bush and catch movement directly below me. I see a deer step from behind a bush, walk away from me and stop to eat on another shrub. I pull up the bino's to see the fork and range him, once, twice and three times just to make sure. Do a quick math deduction for the steep declining shot, draw back, relax and release. What seemed like three seconds, I hear my arrow hit and the buck take off down the hill, but I see a red patch mid body, but it looked low. I start to worry, that my math was off and it hit too low.

We give him an hour and go find my arrow............I pull it up and see green guts and smell it to only smell gut..........my heart sinks! the worse feeling overcomes me and I am sick!!! My brother says, do not worry I bet he only went 80 yards, he was quartering away, you had to hit some vitals!

We take a few steps more and behind some buck brush I see hiim laying..........a huge sigh of relief falls over me and I give my brother a big hug! Been a few seasons since we killed something together.

I turn back and range the tree the buck was at 73 yards! My bro, had a good guess!


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My bro says, he wants to hunt a different spot that night. One him and my dad went to some 5 years ago. We head out and get to the spot and start to still hunt around the top of the montain top and see deer sign everywhere. Trails and tracks, crap, rubs you name it. Looks like deer are surely going to be under every bush. We walk around for a few hours and turn up nothing!

We are heading to the spot he actually wanted to get to, which is a little meadow and spring. On our way there I stop and tell him I thought I heard something to our right. We look and do see anything. Standing there looking around, my brother says " don't move a deer, it...its a buck".......I slowly move my hand to my pocket and get my range finder out while trying to see what he is looking at. Directly infront of us I see a head and ears staring us down from behind the buck brush. I think, well he has us pegged. The buck then drops his head and steps out from behind the brush and steps out standing broadside! Holy crap!! I range, range, range and get a solid reading as it is getting dark and tell me brother to shoot for 45. He releases, I hear that great thump sound and watch the buck bound off to crash into a log and run off after that! Holy smokes!! We high five and give him 5 minutes before we go look for his arrow. Nothing found, but we see dark blood. He tells me he thought it could have been a bit back because he thinks as he released the buck took a step forward. We wait about 30 and during that time he tells me the buck will be 98 yards! I tell him I sure hope so and we start to track............

We continue on his trail and see blood on both sides of his trail, we find the log he ran into and it looks like a picaso of blood splatter.......getting excited with that we continue a little faster and right off the ridge we see him laying. We high five and hug again......

My brothers first archery buck, after having watched me shoot a good number of bucks, it was finally his turn!! I could not have been happier

My bro says, he wants to hunt a different spot that night. One him and my dad went to some 5 years ago. We head out and get to the spot and start to still hunt around the top of the montain top and see deer sign everywhere. Trails and tracks, crap, rubs you name it. Looks like deer are surely going to be under every bush. We walk around for a few hours and turn up nothing!

We are heading to the spot he actually wanted to get to, which is a little meadow and spring. On our way there I stop and tell him I thought I heard something to our right. We look and do see anything. Standing there looking around, my brother says " don't move a deer, it...its a buck".......I slowly move my hand to my pocket and get my range finder out while trying to see what he is looking at. Directly infront of us I see a head and ears staring us down from behind the buck brush. I think, well he has us pegged. The buck then drops his head and steps out from behind the brush and steps out standing broadside! Holy crap!! I range, range, range and get a solid reading as it is getting dark and tell me brother to shoot for 45. He releases, I hear that great thump sound and watch the buck bound off to crash into a log and run off after that! Holy smokes!! We high five and give him 5 minutes before we go look for his arrow. Nothing found, but we see dark blood. He tells me he thought it could have been a bit back because he thinks as he released the buck took a step forward. We wait about 30 and during that time he tells me the buck will be 98 yards! I tell him I sure hope so and we start to track............

Side note: Primos mini blood trackers are some good lights!!

We continue on his trail and see blood on both sides of his trail, we find the log he ran into and it looks like a picaso of blood splatter.......getting excited with that we continue a little faster and right off the ridge we see him laying. We high five and hug again......

My brothers first archery buck, after having watched me shoot a good number of bucks, it was finally his turn!! I could not have been happier


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Thanks again Gents. Not your usual "rokslide" type adventure, but I am not a trophy hunter so meat is meat in my book.


Also caught your story in Relentless.

Thanks Rob. Last year was very good to me. Hoping I can finish off this year filling the rest of my tags. I got one picked out for the rifle opener!

Nice buck Josh

Thanks Zack. Nice to see you made it over here.