Yesterday at 6:02 PM #21 OP OP J Jmort1754 WKR Joined Aug 17, 2018 Messages 1,775 No, I did that two years ago Went to FL dies recently. Thought the type s were a good mid line
Yesterday at 6:09 PM #22 waspocrew WKR Joined Apr 2, 2022 Messages 1,377 Location MT If it seems like there's no bump whatsoever, I'd sand the shell holder down 0.001-0.002 at a time and check (less expensive than messing up a die).
If it seems like there's no bump whatsoever, I'd sand the shell holder down 0.001-0.002 at a time and check (less expensive than messing up a die).
Today at 9:13 AM #23 S SDHNTR WKR Joined Aug 30, 2012 Messages 7,492 Look at Cortina or SAC dies. Or grind the shell holder.
Today at 3:26 PM #24 S SDHNTR WKR Joined Aug 30, 2012 Messages 7,492 What’s the headspace measurement on new brass or factory ammo that chambers fine versus the once fired that’s too long?
What’s the headspace measurement on new brass or factory ammo that chambers fine versus the once fired that’s too long?