I have hunted the MT Unlimiteds 3 times (all unsuccessful) and have been saving for my first Dall sheep hunt that I booked and made payments on for the last couple years. I will say that this year, MT was hard on me - torn ACL/MCL/meniscus/quad while on the hunt (which explains more than normal pain during the hunt). So I am coming off ACL replacement/reconstructive knee surgery - the hunt is in August and I chose Mont Mahoney as the outfitter. My question is, Mont picked up a couple new areas in the Wrangells (he has guided in the Alaska Range previously). Sounds like the areas in the Wrangells have been outfitter free for a couple years (no guides in there), he has outfitter exclusivity on all areas. I have the option on where to go - what do I do? I’m not afraid of any physical aspects, but I do worry a little about my knee, as I am 7.5 weeks out of surgery, and building a good base back up will prove challenging. What area should I choose? Need some help...