I concur with Tria153, I would rather have a used 1-2 year old flagship bow than a current entry level or mid-range bow. The flagships are worth it, even if they are a couple of years old as they still have smoother draws and more speed than the current entry and mid level bows.
Buying used can save you a lot of money if you are patient and shop carefully. My two bows would have cost me over $1000 each if I bought them new, but I bought the bows used after less than a season and spent the savings on getting the best accessories I could afford. Just remember, the bow may be expensive, but the accessories like a sight, rest, quiver, arrows, and release aid can set you back quite a bit also. Luckily, all of those can be bought used as well if you do the research to figure out exactly what you want and are patient enough to wait for the items you want to come up for sale and jump on them when they do. The classifieds here and on AT are good places to find great deals. The only thing I would recommend buying new is arrows. I have not had good luck with used arrows.