1st archery Elk, Colorado OTC DIY 2012


Feb 26, 2012
Colorado Springs,CO
My first archery bull elk down.
Packed in six miles last monday (8/27) and had bugling elk all around me that night. Had to put earphones in just to be able to sleep.
In the morning found a 6 point bull with 13 cows below me. Tried to cut them off when they headed to bedding area but got busted by the cows, closest I got was about 110 yards with the bull responding to my calls, then he turned and followed his cows over the ridge.
Two days later had three bulls located at daylight and dogged them in the timber for a couple hours but couldn't get close enough for a shot and ended up losing them.
Friday afternoon (8/31) rain storm in the high country allowed me to slip in on a five point bull.
One arrow with a trophy taker shuttle T did the job.
Bull went twenty yards, then fell all within sight.
My seventh year bowhunting elk, the seventh bull I saw this year, on the seventh day of the season I shot him on the seventh hour of hunting that day.

Was hunting by myself, and was four and a half miles back in, with the last mile being all blow down timber.

Loaded my pack full of meat and started down the mountain, after the first hour I still wasn't out of the blow down timber yet, it was hailing on me and temps were dropping near freezing. I decided to hang one of the deboned quarters and continue on after a few missteps almost left me stranded on the mountain.
Made it to the truck at midnight with the first load.
Caught a few hours sleep and woke with my right knee swollen.
Made the decision to call in a horse packer to get the bull of the mountain, with horses it still took six hours. That was the smartest move I could have made, and well worth it in my opinion.
Colorado, OTC public land bull
65 yard shot, bull was bedded in the open brown spot in first pic. I came in straight across the draw and stepped out from behind those trees for the shot. Had to let down once when the bull stood and quartered towards me. I waited and he turned broadside and I stepped out again with bow drawn. Was ready to let him walk if things weren't perfect, but everything fell into place and I made the shot.
Before the shot.

After the shot.





Nice bull ! BTW , how much did the on call pack service set you back if you don't mind telling . I have a friend who has offered to pack anything I get out but if he is not there or falls through for some reason I want to have enough cash on hand to cover it. I have heard about $200-$300.
The knee is recovering well. Have had several thousand foot elevation gain hikes since then and other than some swelling and stiffness it will be fine.

The packer cost $350 and while I wouldn't pay it if hunting with someone, hunting solo I felt it was the only way to go.
Way to go a3d!!! I admire your persistence! 7 seems like a good number for you! Hope you get that bum knee back in action soon.
The knee is recovering well. Have had several thousand foot elevation gain hikes since then and other than some swelling and stiffness it will be fine.

The packer cost $350 and while I wouldn't pay it if hunting with someone, hunting solo I felt it was the only way to go.
Sounds like a bargain to me. I can't see me getting an elk out solo more than a couple of miles and then mostly on a trail. Unless you are young and in great shape it could get dangerous quick. Get tired and your legs start to get loose and you could go down hard.
Get tired and your legs start to get loose and you could go down hard.

That last part describes exactly what happened in the rain and hail, in the dark, in the blow down timber.

There comes a point where you realize it isn't safe to be doing this solo unless you start making good decisions.
That last part describes exactly what happened in the rain and hail, in the dark, in the blow down timber.

There comes a point where you realize it isn't safe to be doing this solo unless you start making good decisions.
Yep , packer was cheap. The first thing I lined up when I started my planning was a way to get it out without hurting myself or making it so I would never hunt elk again.
Awesome Job a3d - Awesome Bull - All that hard work this summer paid off. Glad you had a packer lined up - best deal going. Fortunatly I only had 2 miles for mine.

When I was packing mine out I was trying to think of how many miles I walked last summer and this summer to be in shape for the pack out - provides a lot of motivation for next year. Lets hear it for us big guys!

Again - Awesome Job! Solo - OTC - Public land - DIY any elk is a trophy, a great bull makes it even sweeter!
Been a long time in the making... Glad to see you in a hero shot with an elk. Almost time to go get your second:)
Awesome Job a3d - Awesome Bull - All that hard work this summer paid off. Glad you had a packer lined up - best deal going. Fortunatly I only had 2 miles for mine.

When I was packing mine out I was trying to think of how many miles I walked last summer and this summer to be in shape for the pack out - provides a lot of motivation for next year. Lets hear it for us big guys!

Again - Awesome Job! Solo - OTC - Public land - DIY any elk is a trophy, a great bull makes it even sweeter!

I agree 100%.