Looking to get some input for a build I’m working on. Plan is to rebarrel a Tikka with an 18” 8tw barrel and push 180 Berger Hybrids at 2700 at the muzzle for mule deer/axis/whitetail/hogs at 600/700 yards. I’ve been eyeing the 7 saum, 7ss, 7-300wsm, and new 7prc.
I’ve scoured a lot of forums and seems like most 18” 7 saum are dropping down to 150-168’s to hit the velocity I’m looking for.
Is this build/velocity feasible? Pipe dream? Better off with 168’s?
Edit to add: Tikka has long bolt stop and mag bolt face
I’ve scoured a lot of forums and seems like most 18” 7 saum are dropping down to 150-168’s to hit the velocity I’m looking for.
Is this build/velocity feasible? Pipe dream? Better off with 168’s?
Edit to add: Tikka has long bolt stop and mag bolt face
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