.17hmr weight

I like the 17gr's. Mainly because I can buy a box of 'em just about anywhere. The 20gr stuff, not so much

After much experimentation at the range, I buy CCI 17grain TNT by the case. My Savage 93R17 just seems to shoot them more accurately, more consistently. It`s turned into pretty much just a fun range gun since my 17HMR hunting opportunities have just about vanished. Very accurate at 200 yards. I`ve wondered if the hollow point aids in the accuracy (?).

My '93 wouldnt shoot a vmax. Those TNT's it did allright with. It is however the only picky 17 I have seen
I've tried some 20's but none of them shot as well as the 17's. Specifically the Winchester HV ammo. This was in a Tikka T1X.
My son has one of those 17's. I've never shot it. I use my 22 mag on things he'd use his 17 on. But thinking about the 17gr bullet vrs the 20gr bullet I can't see how 3 grs is gonna make a lot of difference. I think if it were me I'd shoot the most accurate of the two. Not like your hunting grizzly bears with it!
My son has one of those 17's. I've never shot it. I use my 22 mag on things he'd use his 17 on. But thinking about the 17gr bullet vrs the 20gr bullet I can't see how 3 grs is gonna make a lot of difference. I think if it were me I'd shoot the most accurate of the two. Not like your hunting grizzly bears with it!
Ummm......with an absolutely PERFECT shot?? If we can do it with a .223.......??
My son has one of those 17's. I've never shot it. I use my 22 mag on things he'd use his 17 on. But thinking about the 17gr bullet vrs the 20gr bullet I can't see how 3 grs is gonna make a lot of difference. I think if it were me I'd shoot the most accurate of the two. Not like your hunting grizzly bears with it!

I think it has got more to do with the different bullets that are available in 20gr
My son has one of those 17's. I've never shot it. I use my 22 mag on things he'd use his 17 on. But thinking about the 17gr bullet vrs the 20gr bullet I can't see how 3 grs is gonna make a lot of difference. I think if it were me I'd shoot the most accurate of the two. Not like your hunting grizzly bears with it!
The 20 gr soft point is supposedly a little stouter than the 17 VMAX and is designed to hold together better on stuff like coyotes. I use the 17gr on ground squirrels to reduce ricochets on the flat ground. Way safer than a 22lr. I use the 20gr for everything else since they shoot better in my Tikka.
3 gr difference doesn't sound like much, but percentage wise it's the difference between a 155 and a 180gr.