175 ABLR and H1000 in 7mm-RM

Kyle C

May 28, 2017
Puyallup WA
Anybody tried this combo yet? Not alot of information out there so thought I'd see if anyone has tried it and if so where did you find pressure and at what velocity.

Gun is a 26" 1:9. Will use cci 250 or fed 215m with nosler brass already fired. Currently have a great load worked up for the 162 eldx but I have a bunch of 175 eldx and ablr I'd like to play around with.
I’ve tried it in a similar rifle (1/8, 26” 7 RM) but the ABLR haven’t shot well for me. Granted the 168 VLDs and 180 ELDM shoot great so I moved on pretty quickly.

I load long and can easily break 3,100 fps with Retumbo and H1000. Let me know if you want me to dig up notes. Good luck.
I’ve tried it in a similar rifle (1/8, 26” 7 RM) but the ABLR haven’t shot well for me. Granted the 168 VLDs and 180 ELDM shoot great so I moved on pretty quickly.

I load long and can easily break 3,100 fps with Retumbo and H1000. Let me know if you want me to dig up notes. Good luck.
I'd be curious to know your charge weight with the H1000. I do have a good amount of Retumbo and RL-26 as well, but im sitting on 16lbs of H and would like to use it some.

I've had similar experience with the ABLR as well, but want to give them one last try. I'll definitely settle with 3/4" MOA only if I can keep my SD under 6 or 7.
I've got a spreadsheet with 131 three to five shot groups over a few different powders, primers, and bullets on a similar setup (1/8, 26"). PM me if you're interested, don't mind sharing.

Looks like for H1000 I was only shooting the 168 VLDs, charge of 66.1 to 68.1 with Peterson brass and BR2s (was out of mag primers but have them now... add a solid 40 fps plus but the BR2s are pretty accurate). Groups with this were 0.46 to 0.78". Tried it again with hotter charges, 68.9 to 69.7. No pressure but the groups went to hell (2"). But I want to get back to the lower charge sometime. Or push it over to the next node.

The 175 ABLR I was shooting H4831 (57.7 to 58.7, decent groups) and IMR4350 (55.8 to 56.8). Again decent groups but I tried again and the groups were more in the 1-2" range, nothing like the crazy ones I was getting from the VLDs.

Also found that the rifle sped up a good 90 fps or something after 70 shots or so. The BR2s were accurate but now I'm back into Fed 215s they're far more consistent. The PPU brass gets a little more speed and solid accuracy but not nearly the consistency with Peterson and mag primers over a stable powder (H1000 or Retumbo). That old school IMR4350 will surprise you though!

Good luck, I think 7RM is a fine round.
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I'd be curious to know your charge weight with the H1000. I do have a good amount of Retumbo and RL-26 as well, but im sitting on 16lbs of H and would like to use it some.
With 168's I was always around the 69-70gr range in a few different 7RM's I had, so it should be close but I would obviously still reference some published load data. The ABLR was a finnicky bugger for me too for whatever reason. PM me If you're looking to offload any of that H1K, I'm just over the big ridge from you and would gladly make the drive.
With 168's I was always around the 69-70gr range in a few different 7RM's I had, so it should be close but I would obviously still reference some published load data. The ABLR was a finnicky bugger for me too for whatever reason. PM me If you're looking to offload any of that H1K, I'm just over the big ridge from you and would gladly make the drive.
I think I'll start around that 63 mark and work up until I see something that says stop. I'll keep a eye out for the H1. I find it pretty often online.