15 power binoculars


Jul 24, 2015
I know the Swaros SLC 15x56 are the standard but they may be out of my price range. I was wondering how did the vortex and other brands fair in quality or should I just cry now and get the swaros
What's your price range? I really liked the zeiss conquest but the Swarovski slc's were better and fit my face better. I never looked at the vortex Kaibabs, the IPD was to far for me to use. I wanted to try the euro hd's from Cabela's but they never had them to try. I got a good enough deal on my slc's and haven't looked back. I figured if i was going to spend 1500 or 1600 and a used pair of the new Swarovski's wasn't much more and the glass and fit was better i might as well go that route. I'll never need a new pair of 15's again
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Not any cheaper but I have ran both the 15 SLC and the 12 ELs and much prefer the versatility of the 12s. I would cry once and get the 12. Sorry I know that didn't help much:) I found that if I needed a closer look with the 12s I would need a closer look with the 15s too. So either way I was getting the spotter out.
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I know this won't help you price wise but I have Leica 10-15 Duovids and I will put them up against 15x Swaros anytime. Plus I can drop down to 10x for "smaller" country.

I'd do whatever I had to to go to the top of the line grade glass. Over 30 years the difference might be $30 year? I can find that!
I would never buy 15x. Without a tripod they'll be all but useless in my mind. If you want that much magnification you'll want a pod. At that point it's a spotter so you can have variable zoom
I would never buy 15x. Without a tripod they'll be all but useless in my mind. If you want that much magnification you'll want a pod. At that point it's a spotter so you can have variable zoom

Binoculars have reduced eye strain over spotting scopes.
I have the Meopta Meostar HD 15x56's and they're pretty darn good. I was going to sell them and get the 12's, but they work so well for 3D shooting and actually seeing everything on the target I'm keeping them.
15x binocs definitely have their place. I got lazy a few weeks back spotting for deer and used my spotter to find deer - what a PITA. The big binocs are way more comfortable on the eyes for longer glassing sessions. It really depends on how/where you glass as to whether they are worthwhile. As stated above, few people complain about having spent too much for quality optics.
I have the 15 Docters and they are fabulous. Bulkier but on a tripod they are great. Can't believe they get overlooked in all the press on 15's. Killed my biggest whitetail because I saw him enter the field in almost darkness from a mile away. Mainly saw his white antlers float into the winter wheat. Went the next day and found the trail and killed him that night. I give that one to the Docters.
I bought the Zeiss 15s last month. Took them on a scouting trip this past weekend, and I was very impressed. I used them way more than my meopta 10s when static glassing. However, I wouldn't use them on the move. When shopping around I looked through Swaro, Zeiss, Vortex, and Meopta. For the price (I picked them up for $1000), the Zeiss's are very hard to beat.