145 LRX vs 150 TTSX in 280 AI

The lrx are longer range due to being sleeker with better BC, the fact they designed to open easier is a bonus imho.

Found a shank from an 80gr ttsx outa a 243win recently, that lost its petals at 200yds, but deer was dead so no problem imho.

I use the hammers in my 300wsm, it’s fun seeing the vapor trail off those things.
I use the 145LRX out of a 280Rem at 3,013 fps average. It has worked very well on deer and cow elk. 50 yards to about 250 so far. It has enough velocity to be good to 600 for me where I hunt. I use 2,000 fps as my minimum velocity. I’d probably try the 139LRX with the 145LRX and see what shoots best. No 139 LRX when I set mine up, or I would have started there.

As far as falling apart at close range, maybe petals shearing off up close, no idea. Yet to recover one. But I’d imagine it happens occasionally and would probably enhance lethality, more like a Hammer.
I'm not sure anyone said they had concern about Barnes losing petals. I said in post #40 "no issue, IMO". Maybe I missed that other posters had concern about that in this thread.

Hammers are a good bullet, created where there was a niche for a different mono and they take care of business just like a Barnes does. (y)
175 was mentioned (for the record the larger 7mm LRX is actually a 168, the 175 is a 30cal in LRX) but that was it. Those of us loading for it were advocating for the 139 or 145LRX. If you are partial to hornday then look towards the 139CX most likely, maybe play with the numbers on the 150CX. For barnes I don't personally think the 150TTSX makes sense with the similar weight LRX offerings: 139LRX or 145LRX. Impact velocity is the key player in monos so unless you have a caliber that can start those heavies off fast still they often don't pencil out well when you are keeping performance on game in mind.

I was referring to the 7mm 175gr TSX FB, pn# 30294. It would be about the heaviest one could push within the range that op stated. I started out thinking faster was better with monos, but shooting in the wind changed my mind on that, which is to say I’m just not a good shot in the field in the wind. So now I try to find a balance that leans heavy. I also used to not really realize how fast a lighter bullet will slow down, and that a heavier bullet may end up out pacing the lighter one at longer distances. So I just share that to help others think about that vs just looking at the highest mv.
I went with the Hornady 160 gr CX and staball 6.5 powder. Right around 2900 fps and shot a cow elk at 650 this year and bullet still expanded. Impressed with them so far. Also had expansion at 450 on an Antelope and 350 on a deer. All pass through.