12 guage recommendation


Feb 8, 2017
Looking to pick up a new shotgun for next year. Looking for a semi auto or pump 12 guage. Wanting to keep it under $1000. Mainly will be for upland game and turkeys but will get some waterfowl work. What’s your recommendation?
Easy button is the Mossberg 940 pro waterfowl.

Shot a friend's, seemed to pattern everything from bird to buck very well with the included chokes. With a carlson's xr longbeard choke, shot the winchester long beard ammo extremely well. On my personal shortlist
The guys at my shotgun club are big fans of the tristar viper as inexpensive beater guns. I have shot theirs, but never owned one. Several people seem happy with them.
I would be looking at the SX4 and Affinity. Both point and swing well for me. Haven’t had any reliability issues with either. One plus for the Franchi is it has cast/drop shims, but to change LOP you need to purchase a $50 aftermarket recoil pad. The SX4 doesn’t have the drop/cast shims, but the LOP spacers are included.

I would shoulder each and pick what feels best. Both are solid, reliable options.
I have a couple diff classifications. All guns I buy are decent/heirloomable/not disposable when fail / reliable.
My three pump guns are the f150 custom v8 with carb Remington 870 pump in 12, the slightly refined, smoother gentleman’s pump in a Winchester pump and the bouji tough as nails browning bps. The bps to me is the end all for pump guns. I’ve used it as a boat paddle, I’ve stuck it in the mud preventing me from falling completely in during ducking, I’ve used the butt of it to break holes in ice, it never left me on click.

My semi autos are the Winchester sx4 which I believe is based on the browning gold gas system? Maybe maybe not but that thing is a work horse. 12ga 3.5. Sometimes it skips on the light, short brass skeet rounds, but I chalk that up to being a 3.5” magnum. I also have a beretta a400 in 12/3”.

Yes there are some new imports in the semi autos, tristar, raytay? I’m sure they all work, but I enjoy the staples.
Really like my daughters SX4 in that price range but if you search around you might be able to pick up a Browning Maxus for a grand. Very similar guns but the fit and finish on the Maxus is much better. I also love the speed load on the Maxus. I think the SX4 has it but only in the 20 gauge if I recall correctly.
Love my sx4 with a 26 inch barrel 3 inch, not 3.5.
My tristar viper is very nice to and never had a issue with it. Its not the sx4, but nice for the money.
Beretta a300 ultima is really good shotgun for the money. Never messed with a Tristar semi but double are hit or miss quality wise although they seem to warranty them.
As others have said SX4 or Franchi Affinity are the two stand out semi autos, but don't rule out a good pump like the BPS. If I could have 2 shotguns it would be a BPS 12g and a cynergy cx 20g, and that would do me for life.

I've also heard good things about retay but no personal experience.
I was looking for the same shotgun as the OP, I recently bought the Franchi Affinity 3. I haven’t had a chance to shoot it yet. It shoulders well for me and seems well built. Sportsman’s Warehouse had them for $599.00 after thanksgiving, couldn’t pass it up for that price.