10x42. Swaro SLC vs meopta

Ledd Slinger

Mar 19, 2018
It’s no real comparison but I have the 10x42 SLCs and bought the Meopros as a backup. I spent a week behind the Swaros on a tripod glassing for mule deer and they really are a lifetime purchase I’ll pass down to my kids. I get zero eye fatigue and I can see clearly as far as I can hike in an hour.

The Meo"pro" binos are nowhere near the Meo"star" HD binoculars optically. Meopro is their mid grade that is comparable to Nikon Monarch and Vortex Viper glass. The Meostar is more on par with the likes of higher level Swarovski, Zeiss, and Leica.

No eye fatigue with Meostar HD binoculars. I owned and hunted exclusively with them for 3 years before switching to Leica Noctivid this year.

Ledd Slinger

Mar 19, 2018
For all the guys that answered that they have used/owned both. All things considered, if you were able to buy brand new Meostar 10x42's for $682 or 12x50's for $887, would you still go with the SLCs? Is the slight differences worth the almost extra $1k? Thanks.

I don't think it's worth it. Compare a Meoptar HD to the Swaro SLC and I think you will have a clear answer to your own question. Your eyes may feel differently.

The new Leica Noctivid made me decide to change from the Meostar HD I owned and loved for 3 years. All other binoculars compared to the Meostar did not make me feel the need to spend more money.

I know everyone always says "go with what your eyes prefer" and honestly it an be frustrating to find dealers to make the comparison you are looking for, but it is still the best advice there is. I made the mistake of listening to everyone saying the Swarovski ATX is the best spotter there is. And maybe it is to their eyes, so I sold my Meopta S2 HD spotting scope to buy the Swaro ATX 95mm without ever looking through one or comparing it to my Meopta S2.

I didnt own the ATX for an entire year before finally admitting to myself that my eyes liked the Meopta better. I sold the ATX and purchase another Meopta S2 HD to get back with what I had in the first place. That mistake of not comparing before buying cost me $1500 in resale value on a used Swarovski. That hurt...
Last edited:
Jun 29, 2018
For all the guys that answered that they have used/owned both. All things considered, if you were able to buy brand new Meostar 10x42's for $682 or 12x50's for $887, would you still go with the SLCs? Is the slight differences worth the almost extra $1k? Thanks.
Where are you finding those prices??


May 2, 2012
To my eyes, they are not the same or close. I prefer the SLC and if I had to compare a second it would be the razors. I am talking optically in what you see with clarity, color and the overall image (not flat but curved view).
Nov 24, 2018
I’ve owned SLCs, Zeiss victory HT, Nikon HG, Maven b2, and Cabela’s euro. I ended up with the Cabela’s and haven’t looked back. The Ziess ht were maybe the favorite but Cabela’s euro/ Meostars do not feel like a compromise. All were used on a tripod in low light settings.
Jun 29, 2018
Thank you guys and sorry I hijacked your thread farmerlentz. I've reached the point of analysis paralysis. I need all the help I can get before the wife divorces me for constantly reading online reviews during "quality" family time.
No prob what did you decide to go with? I looked through some Swarovski the other day and liked them slot but haven't gotten a chance to look at the meopta yet
Jun 29, 2018
That's just it, I can't decide. I'm definitely not made of money, so the meostars are incredibly tempting. But I know how I am and if the SLCs are noticeably better I'm gonna pine for and kick myself later. Trying to buy once cry once but also be fiscally savvy is a hard task.

Lol I am the same way. The other big difference in those 2 is weight meopta is way heavier. Have you looked through the meopta yet
Aug 28, 2017
That's just it, I can't decide. I'm definitely not made of money, so the meostars are incredibly tempting. But I know how I am and if the SLCs are noticeably better I'm gonna pine for and kick myself later. Trying to buy once cry once but also be fiscally savvy is a hard task.
I'd look at it this way, if you buy the meostars and don't like them, you will have no problem selling them for what you have into them provided they are in good shape. Then you can take the funds and put them into the swaros. I'm in the same exact boat as you and that's what I think I'll end up doing here shortly.


Mar 29, 2017
The Meostar 10x42s are only 3.7 oz heavier than the SLCs.
SLC: 28 oz.
Meostar: 31.7 oz.
Yup, WAYYY heavier. 😏
Jun 29, 2018
Just pulled the trigger on a pair of the MeoStar 10x42s...pretty pumped. I'll report back when they arrive to let you know my impressions. Hopefully they'll arrive in time, got 2 back to back elk hunts in units 21 and 61 here in Wyoming.
Awesome let me know what you think. Headed to 38 and then 37 on Monday in Wyoming. Good luck to you