Well, after coming to the conclusion that my formerly beloved Swarovski Z6 3-18x50's weren't up to task (a sheared off elevation turret revealing the cheesy plastic internals sealed their fate) I've "upgraded" to a hopefully more rugged Nightforce NXS 3-15X50. In the process of re-zeroing, I'm finding that I am not able to hold the same tight groups at 200 (my usual zero for greater PBR w/o dialing) to confirm a precise zero simply because I can't see the target as well and am not able to hold as precisely on the dot as I could before. The glass simply isn't Swaro glass and I obviously gave up 3X mag. I don't want to go back to a more fragile scope to get the 18X I had before, and any more than that is unnecessary for hunting so I don't want to go up to the 5-22 NXS (and lose low end too) either. Soooooo, it got me thinking...
Do I want to move back to a 100 yd zero where I can see the bullseye better and where I'm able to hold more precisely? I hunt a lot of pigs and have to take a lot of quick shots cause them suckers are always squirming around in thick brush and across canyons. Split seconds matter. Is it worth the time penalty if I have to dial or hold for a 250yd type shot?