10 post rule?

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Right? I was hiding my phone while editing hot dog photos and looking up Russian translations for sex toys.
You two are much smarter than me. We got home from dinner and I chose the “show NSFW” option. I had my phone right where she could see over my shoulder the many great options, none of which were PG-13, but all of which were “awkward”. What scares me is that she only grunted. No “wtf are those?” or “WTH are you meming!?”
Funny, I don't have enough life left not to pause and consider. I'l leave impetuousness to the young.
If you stare at the screen for 6 minutes, you might want to get checked for dementia.
You two are much smarter than me. We got home from dinner and I chose the “show NSFW” option. I had my phone right where she could see over my shoulder the many great options, none of which were PG-13, but all of which were “awkward”. What scares me is that she only grunted. No “wtf are those?” or “WTH are you meming!?”
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