1:8.5 260 Remington - Bullet Weight


Dec 29, 2020
Tikka T3 with an aftermarket 260 rem 1:8.5 barrel. It shoots Factory Barnes 120g TTSX well but I am leary after some mixed results with LRX in my 7mm Mag.

I am searching for some feedback on what bullets to try. I am hoping that a 1:8.5 twist would be fast enough for a 143g ELD-X, thoughts, or other ideas?
You should stabilize 143s just fine. I've had 3 different 6.5 8.5 twist barrels (2x 6.5 SAUM and 1x 6.5x47) and all stabilized 140s and 143s just fine.

When GAP made the 6.5 SAUM a popular thing 140 berger hybrids or JLKs were the main jam. It was prior to to release of the 147-156 bullets and their standard twist was 1:8.7 based on it stabilizing the 140s well and being easier on bullets and not overspinning anything.

I like the 135 bergers in my 8.5 twist SAUM. It's a good balance of form factor and velocity.
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