The more meat you can keep the better however 1/2x28 works. I'm all about confidence and we all know the 5/8 is the standard. I actually do not like hunting with a supressor. Before you invest in that route make sure it's what you want. There are many upsides but personally I value weight savings and no can can ever compete with a good brake when it comes to recoil reduction. I tried using a supressor but it just wasn't worth it in the end for me. It throws off the balance of the gun, it just doesn't handle well and it's super annoying when hiking through trees and brush. I love using a supressor on my 223 which has a 2 lb optic on it which helps balance the gun out. I use it out in the plains with no trees, but that's just simple varmint hunting. Just wish someone would have told me to slow down and think about it more. Not to mention cans aren't phenomenal for suppressing big game cartridges. Still would recommend using hearing protection. Just my 2 cents. Everyone has different preferences and projects. There also so high end lightweight cans that are better than the ones I got.