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  1. J

    Do you feel the edge?

    “Fear causes hesitation, and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true.” – Bodhi
  2. J

    Podcasts, why do you listen

    I tend to have a rotation- couple of rest is history or hardcore history, couple of s2h or hunt backcountry, couple of JRE, and repeat
  3. J

    Most expensive thing you lost while hunting

    A pair of Costa sunglasses
  4. J

    Green Egg Style

    i had a Char grill akorn for 6 years. No performance issues but the bottom vent was rusting out, the the humidity and moisture did not help in South Florida. I sold it when I moved otherwise I would have kept the grill.
  5. J

    Your brain on microplastics?

    It not only affects your brain. It negatively affects your testosterone levels and reproductive health. Joe Rogan had a podcast with Dr. Shanna Swan covering the effects of microplastics on our health.
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    Balancing sleep with time hunting

    My personal preference is to truck camp at the trailhead to maximize sleep and take an afternoon siesta, but I can rack out anywhere with no problem except hotels.
  7. J

    How do you listen to podcasts?

    Spotify with ads
  8. J

    Don't underestimate old guy strength

    I am 42, and I am definitely not as strong as I was in my late teens, 20s or early 30s. I work out consistently 3 to 5 days a week, but I go for more reps with a lower weight. It seems to help with all of the aches and pains. I can only imagine how my body will feel 20 to 30 years from now.
  9. J

    Best cartridge for coyote/hog hunting in a factory tikka? 243 1:8 or 223 1:8

    243 is the most versatile especially if you handload
  10. J

    What is your typical shot distance for small game?

    20 to 30 yards typically for squirrels.
  11. J

    Have any of you thought who gets your stuff. Or do they even want it

    I have a Browning Sweet 16 that went from my Great Uncle (whom I am named after) to my Father and now to me. I have it in my will that it will go to my son. My daughter and son can divy up the rest of the guns and gear however they see fit.
  12. J

    Field Strip meals

    Others have said it but the biggest benefit to field stripping your meals for me is the space it frees up in your ruck. Even if you have the room, rucking is much easier if you have a compact ruck that is sitting high up on your back.
  13. J

    .22/.22 Mag Rifles

    22LR in a Savage Mark 2
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    Creepy experiences in the backcountry

    Had a covey of quail flush right underneath my feet as I was walking back to my campsite in the dark. It took a few minutes for my heart rate to get back to a normal rate.
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    What’s your go to?

    Rem 700 270 Win with 130 gr Core Lokts.
  16. J

    Air Travel with an EXO K4 (25" frame)?

    It would probably be luck of the draw with how strict the gate agent is enforcing the letter of the law.
  17. J

    What’s everyone’s favorite squirrel recipe?

    Pan fried with biscuits and gravy
  18. J

    How much planning do you guys do for small game?

    No planning, just take walks around the farm and focus on areas that have a good number of hickory trees.
  19. J

    Short quotes that speak volumes.

    “Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself.” “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.”...