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    Bone broth recipe

    We make bone broth of various kinds several times a year. I chamber vac seal mine in bags in 1/2 cup, 1 cup and 2 cup portions to drink and cook with. Just another option.
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    Best Goose Outfitters - Canada

    Ones I interviewed Ranch land Swift river Ole Dog Peace river outfitters Top Gun Southern Prairie All came highly recommended. Each had some availability, but at this point probably booked for this fall. They are all slightly different in how the operate. I'd have a good idea of what you'd...
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    Sitka just released new rubber boots

    I go thru a pair of rubber knee boots every 12-18 months. The price point seem onerous, but if they get good reviews, I may try them at some point in the future.
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    Pick my next 1/2 ton pickup

    Rumor going around EPA is going to eliminate all the DEF rules on diesel. If that comes to fruition, I might consider a new diesel, manufactured under the new (or i guess old) guidelines.
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    Is the current high tag demand a bubble that will crash in the next 10 years?

    Didn't read whole thread. Economic downturn is the biggest factor in decreasing non-resident apps. I don't wish it on anyone or any country, but it's what drives it. The loose money lately has led to a boom since covid.
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    Seekins PH3

    When is this available?
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    2024 show your dogs success

    His 7th birthday was a pretty good day.
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    What to use for cracking, bleeding hands in the field.

    Cerave or Vanicream. Some hand creams exacerbate the cracks by causing an allergic/hypersensitivity reaction. Use something hypoallergenic like above. Vaseline is a good rec too.
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    Waterproof Jacket for duck hunting in Eastern Oregon southern Idaho my duck oven, but it isn't a rain jacket. For OP, look at frogg togg. Reasonable price, not the most bomb proof, but will work for what you describe.
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    New State restrictions on boots

    After spending a weekend duck hunting in driving snow and wet conditions, I'll take whatever the negative implications of hunting in goretex are.
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    And - how about gloves for a very cold pheasant hunt?

    Liners under insulated leather. Once I start moving, no problems.
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    Business related book recommendations

    I've read some of the listed books. You know what helped scale our business to a 15 state operation? Investment in the company, employees and hard work. It took several years to expand, but once it started, it ballooned. Anyway, there are helpful mindset pointers, but at some level you have...
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    elk 300wsm 200g factory ammo - hornady eld-x or fed terminal ascent

    I killed 3 elk and 3 or 4 deer with 200 gr eldx in 300wsm. Had a bad experience with them on one of those elk in 2020 and one deer in 2019. Shot placement was great on both animals and they were both recovered, but both were a bit of a rodeo. The elk required 3 shots, all within an inch of...
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    ATV to a SxS Who’s made the switch?

    I did. But use mine predominantly in flooded grain fields for duck hunting, so not sure my experience is relevant. I don't know about dust, just mud.
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    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas
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    Upland Pants

    I had a decent pair of old brush pants from somewhere. Don't know the brand. They finally had taken too much barb wire to the non-brush area. Some stitching was coming out. Got the FL sawbuck and was really happy with them for the first year. Not perfect, but pretty good.
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    Skull hooker?

    I went to these 100% and got rid of all my hookers. I like the skull flat against the wall. Could probably do it with a few zip ties and some hardware, but I like the clean look of it and they are just a few dollars.
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    USPS shipping question.

    Usps is a trainwreck. Not unusual to be a month here.
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    WTS Custom .300 WSM - Zermatt SR3

    Tag, coming back to this one in January