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    Shot a deer and someone else foudn him

    It is his property but he might be interested in the bad story or be willing to give/sell you the head. I wouldnt want it though if I was in your position because it would remind me of my poor shot/decision.
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    Extreme cold clothing suggestions

    I just ordered the Allta Polar L8 based on Tyler Freel's review here: It was only ~$200. I am not sure you need this much though; depends on where in AK you are headed.
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    Moving to Alaska

    Safety minute: You can see some severe low temps coming up in the winter and most hotels in the coldest towns will have electrical plugins for your vehicles block heaters. I would suggest installing them if not already equipped; you will want them in AK anyway. You dont need battery heaters...
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    Moving to Alaska

    We have everything you need up here, usually at the same or only slightly higher cost. Popular items to bring up are trucks, trailers, and women. Sounds like you have those covered lol.
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    Thoughts on this Huntin Fool moose video ethics?

    I blocked Huntin Fool from my feed after watching this video.
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    October Yellowstone trip

    I rented an RV for my trip to Yellowstone. I figure it was about the same price as a hotel/car rental and allowed more flexibility and campfires at night.
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    What's something you wish you would have learned sooner in life

    Don't keep dating a woman I know isnt right for me long-term.
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    Recommendations for guided moose hunt - looking for 70 inch moose

    Maybe a hunt out of Cordova on the Copper River delta, Bering River, or the lost coast. The only guide I know in that area is Dennis Zadra at Lonesome Dove and I am not sure he guides moose. If this was my passion, had the funds, and was willing to hunt this way, I would hire a guide to fly...
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    Looking for Tips and Tricks for Butchering a Moose

    I watched a moose hunting video this morning and the slob put his foot on the skinned backstrap/ribs to help pull the rear quarter back so his buddy could cut. I am really shocked how little care some people use when butchering food.
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    Looking for Tips and Tricks for Butchering a Moose

    Guess I am the outlier, I don't cut the skin down the back. I start skinning from the belly, keep the skin intact, and use the skinned hide as a ground barrier to keep the quarters clean as they come off. I remove the quarters, backstrap, neck, ribs on that side, flip over and repeat. I usually...
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    Yard won't grow

    I would try fertilizer. I have never been a huge fan of straight nitrogen which seems to be for "top growth" and instead have used a balanced fertilizer to make the overall grass plant healthier. I like to under-fertilize, partly to address some of the concerns noted above.
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    New Truck--Dependability

    Yikes, just when I think I am ready to retire my 1996 F350 with the 7.3 diesel along comes this thread.
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    Vehicles, you can fix?

    @AZ8 I had the same vertigo issue once and it was awful. My doctor suspected a loose stone in my inner ear rolling around and I think it was jiggled loose while shooting magnum rifles. He performed the Epley maneuver on me and it fixed it (I have had to repeat the maneuver a few times at home...
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    Glacier National Park in May

    Thanks for posting this; I am headed to Bozeman for graduation at the same time and was planning to hit Glacier. Guess I need to rethink my plans and would appreciate suggestions for a 3 day rented RV trip out of Bozeman.
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    Would you keep a cow moose hide?

    Perhaps a shoulder mount would be a better keepsake than a tanned hide and might not be that much more expensive? A cow shoulder mount would be unique and fun.
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    Anyone have experience w/ long range fuel tanks?

    $2,500 would buy a lot of Jerry cans and fuel is readily available on the ALCAN.
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    What do you want from your woman?

    Keep it simple, make him his favorite dinner (I like the suggestion above for a decadent chunk of beef) and follow that up with a menial pleasure appropriate to consenting adults.
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    Alaska Rubber Boots

    I use insulated extra tuffs with wool insole liners. The liners make a huge difference in comfort and soaking up sweat. I pull the liners out at night and fold the boots down to make it easier for them to dry out.
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    Why the NR HATE?? Let's fix it!

    Wow. A bunch of entitled rich guys scheming for reallocation of resident tags. I think resident commoners, new hunters, and young people should be prioritized. Every NR tag in these fully prescribed states takes away from resident allocation.
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    Miles on your old 7.3 diesel?

    I have the same thing going. She's rusty but I still get compliments and random strangers trying to buy it. I dont like how hard it is to start in cold temperatures and it is slow on hills when pulling my boat (~13-15k pounds) but I cant imagine paying $50K plus for a new truck.