Ive had both kayaks and a canoe. Its generally me and my wife when ever I go out. All said I prefer two kayaks over one canoe. they both fit easily in a truck bed and its easier to fish solo. Plus two kayaks means you can split gear much better. Im currently looking at the ascend kayak canoe...
I've had results all over the place between shotguns and chokes. I always get a pattern first then adjust my hunting to what the gun/shell combo allows.
I have an old school handheld Yahtzee game that has been running for years on two AA batteries that I like to have. Burns time, I can stop and start, it weighs very little, and requires no internet or cellular connection. When i have home projects coming up I like to take a folded up piece of...
I use these, (https://www.amazon.com/CAT-Outdoors-Dominator-Webbing-Straps/dp/B0C3JNMQR6?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&smid=A339P7SIFZ9H5S&th=1), to attach similar items to a bag I use for work. if you hooked the foot into a loop and secured the pole with one of these they should...
Speer Gold Dot is what I run in all my personal and work guns, both pistol and rifle. They 100% work as intended. As far as which gun and what caliber, use what ever works for you and what you are doing. I use everything from full size Glocks to pocket .38 revolvers. Everything has a purpose for...
I’m all over the place, I generally have sour patch kids and a back packing stove with a freeze dried meal. Half of the fun for me is just being out there so I take my time with a meal break.
For inside lining, house slippers, and practice I’ll use leather that I collect on big spring trash days by cutting the leather off couches and chairs people throw away. Most of them are beat up in a few spots but the back sheet is nearly always in perfect condition.
I have attempted this before with pvc pipe and two things I learned.
Keep a cap on the top or it will catch enough rain to mold everything inside. I also found that the size of pipe needed to hold enough corn for even a week was prohibitively large.