Looking to sell/trade/partial trade my set of geovid pros, bought from Eurooptic in June of 23 and used on 1 hunt so far. No issues with them, no scratches/marks and glass is crystal clear. More than happy to facetime with those who are interested. Looking to sell for $1800 OBO or potentially...
I recently started daily carrying (3 months now) a glock 48 w/pmm micro comp I recently started daily carrying (3 months now) a glock 48 w/pmm micro comp I recently started daily carrying (3 months now) a glock 48 w/pmm micro comp I recently started daily carrying (3 months now) a glock 48 w/pmm...
Hand tight, when I used to only do direct thread I would put just a tiny dab of Vibratight on the threads and I never had any issues, just periodically check it.
Gen 5 19, 23 all use the same barrels as previous gens if im not mistaken, the difference is between gen 4 and 5 17's which use a different locking block (same as g19 previous gens) and therefore different barrels
Looking for a tap and die set for savage barrels & receivers, TP is 1.06"-20. Im mainly looking to borrow (ill pay obviously), but if a set is for sale ill pony up