I’ve put roughly 10 miles on the Timberlines and so far so good. They seem to feel better every time I put them; definitely glad I pulled the trigger when they were half off!
Thanks, this is really what I was interested in and it seems to be agreeable. Are there better binos? Absolutely, but it sounds like I'll be fine with something on the lower end for this one time application.
I apologize in advance for bringing up a worn out topic of discussion. Entry level bino's for late September Elk in Colorado. I'm not looking for someone to convince me on which glass I need or what $ point to purchase. I'm simply curious if a set of entry level 10x42 binos are adequate(I...
Good to hear! The sale must have been popular because the Beartooth 0G appear to have sold out. I decided to go ahead and jump on the Timberline's. Just too good of a deal to pass up.
Does anyone know how often Schnee offers sales? Noticed they're having a New Year Sale at the moment but not necessarily wanting to purchase right now. Curious if they offer these deals in spring or summer.