Not knocking the Labradar but Garmin has amazing R/D not to mention other sports etc. This Garmin is a gamechanger! I think it will be much tougher than the Labradar, if it took a drop! (not that i'd recommend beating it around).
Not my Garmin but a guy at the local range had one we shot next to New Years day it worked FLAWLESSLY for us.. He said the only thing was to put it 5" away (to the side etc..) as the instructions stated! It didnt miss a single shot 5-6 guys shot over it, with different guns and it got all the...
I like hunting mtn lions and guided snowmobilers for years, we used a thikol daily.
Craziest day of my life watching a full grown Mtn Lion in a tree in the a.m. , later same day 2 Bobcats in a tree , then another lion that afternoon. Should have bought a lottery ticket that day!
Best of times!
As an avid snowmobiler/outdoorsmen you can never be too careful and I'd caution to just having cameras nothing worse than watching your trailer leave on Ring doorbell or the likewise, with nothing but a vehicle or terrible image at best to give to local PD.. Tracking (airtag or designated...