Xero C1 PRO Chronograph

Dec 27, 2019
Just wondering if anyone has any firsthand experience with The new Garmin Xero C1 PRO Chronograph. I’m starting to look for a super old one that is on its last legs. Heard/seen a lot of reviews, but don’t know if it’s just sales hype of if it’s a real thing/improvement of what’s on the market. Thanks in advance for any input and Merry Christmas to all.
The only negative thing about it is it cannot give you anything more than velocities at the muzzle. Not velocities down range like the LabRadar can. However, that is a feature that has zero value for me and I would assume the majority of people that use a chrono. To some it is important, and that’s why they have held on to their LabRadars. Everything else it does, it does it better with more consistency than any other Chronograph on the market. It’s the real deal. The hype isn’t lying. Buy one and don’t look back. The fact it’s the size of two decks of playing cards makes it so easy to pack and use.
Pretty awesome piece of gear! Works excellent and linked to my phone easy as can be unlike my labradar that only linked once ever. Even got it to pick up arrows out of my son's bow, had to get pretty close to him so I held it and it picked them all up at 130fps, pretty cool
Only nit I have is you can’t have multiple sessions to toggle between. It is otherwise a fantastic device, which seems to be the unanimous opinion about it.
Well worth the price of admission. Had a LabRadar and sold it. This unit is small, simple to use and very reliable. I use it for MV, SD and ES. For that purpose it is absolutely the best.
The only negative thing about it is it cannot give you anything more than velocities at the muzzle. Not velocities down range like the LabRadar can. However, that is a feature that has zero value for me and I would assume the majority of people that use a chrono. To some it is important, and that’s why they have held on to their LabRadars. Everything else it does, it does it better with more consistency than any other Chronograph on the market. It’s the real deal. The hype isn’t lying. Buy one and don’t look back. The fact it’s the size of two decks of playing cards makes it so easy to pack and use.
Why can't this give you velocities downrange? Cant you simply set this unit up at the target and get that data?
Well worth the price of admission. Had a LabRadar and sold it. This unit is small, simple to use and very reliable. I use it for MV, SD and ES. For that purpose it is absolutely the best.
Definitely worth it. It's so small I forgot I had it in my coat pocket until it fell out, lol.
Mine just got here, and I’m headed out to test it. So far setting it up I’m really pleased, the Labradar is going away for sure.
Had mine for couple of months, the best chrono I ever had, simple to use and doesn't miss a shot.
Plus if you do manual calculations you’ll find the LR standard deviations (which are higher than the Garmin) are incorrect. The Garmin is nuts on.

Test done with LR and Garmin on same bench measuring same rifle firings.
Plus if you do manual calculations you’ll find the LR standard deviations (which are higher than the Garmin) are incorrect. The Garmin is nuts on.

Test done with LR and Garmin on same bench measuring same rifle firings.
Its interesting that you mentioned this, I've long felt that the LR was off in its calculations but never checked it. I know I have had trouble getting shots that it picked up in error to be removed and actually have them out of the calculations.
Sorry for the super old reference. I know it is new to the market. I’m not sure how the text came out like it did. It should have read that I’m using one ( a chrony) that is super old and looking for a newer upgrade to it. Thanks.
Not my Garmin but a guy at the local range had one we shot next to New Years day it worked FLAWLESSLY for us.. He said the only thing was to put it 5" away (to the side etc..) as the instructions stated! It didnt miss a single shot 5-6 guys shot over it, with different guns and it got all the velocities... I came home and ordered one the next day! Way easier than my Chrony, and Ohler to setup! I was all set to buy a labradar but so happy I didnt after seeing the Garmin firsthand!
Not knocking the Labradar but Garmin has amazing R/D not to mention other sports etc. This Garmin is a gamechanger! I think it will be much tougher than the Labradar, if it took a drop! (not that i'd recommend beating it around).
The older gentleman (70s) that owns the GARMIN really liked it, from the simplicity standpoint, he indicated it was VERY user friendly!
Thinking about making an upgrade to this little unit. My stone age Oehler works flawless however, I kind of like the idea of not packing sky screens and the printer unit to the range.