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  1. T

    Kifaru customer service

    Oh I don't like Snyder, dudes a snake. I thought I was clear about that.
  2. T

    Kifaru customer service

    So now you're just gonna make up lies to make yourself feel better? Get a life dude.
  3. T

    Idaho Controlled Hunt Results 24

    I heard they just need a few more hours to make sure they get all the tags situated for the commissioners and their families. Takes awhile because they had to make sure to get tags for all the Elected Officials and big money donors worked out first.
  4. T

    Kifaru customer service

    No, that would be you and the homies that will defend them as if your life depended on it.
  5. T

    Kifaru customer service

    What point are you trying to prove? You seem very upset that someone would have the audacity to not worship him. I'm sorry that it hurts your feelers that not everyone worships your hero.
  6. T

    Kifaru customer service

    If it makes you feel better to think I'm jealous then fly at it bud. Just know that you are completely wrong. I would say more but I'd probably get the ban hammer.
  7. T

    Kifaru customer service

    And I never said anything that made me seem was just the first thing you could think of to come to the defense of your man crush. It had to sting that you know what I said is true....evidenced by the fact you are going to great lengths to defend him. It's ok buddy, just admit you...
  8. T

    Kifaru customer service

    LOL Someone seems like they have a man crush they are defending. Tell us, what part of Snyder is the most attractive to you?
  9. T

    Kifaru customer service

    Facts. So is dying on a hill for something you're a fan boy of but the only connection you have is a man crush on an internet influencer.
  10. T

    Kifaru customer service

    Yeah, that would seem like decent Customer Service given it would take what....7 seconds to do? And then a customer that paid $500+ for something would be happy and be able to use it, but instead of spending the 7 seconds to make a Customer happy, they refused to do that because they need...
  11. T

    Kifaru customer service

    I'm just basing my stance off of your constant defense of them in this thread and the need to point out your MORE than stellar customer service experience with them...oh yeah, and the vague shots at calling the OP a whiner for calling them out about less than stellar service. It's all good...
  12. T

    Kifaru customer service

    We get it, you're a Kifaru fan boy.
  13. T

    Oregon John Day River

    I was making a joke about the debacle in the video Kryptek had out awhile ago...wasn't that the quote "I knew it'd be a gun fight."
  14. T

    Oregon John Day River

    I think they are the ones to go with as long as you're ready for a gun fight.
  15. T

    Kifaru customer service

    Sounds like that's what happened here once they realized this was on multiple places on the web and wasn't gonna go away for a few days.
  16. T

    Kifaru customer service

    Not surprising, that was the vibe I got when milling around their booth at Sheep Show years ago as well. I also had a family member have an interaction with Snyder that was horrible, Snyder was way outta line. He never owned up to it or apologized. Kifaru won't get a dime of my money, Stone...
  17. T

    IDFG Investigation into Unit 6 Grizzly Shooting

    This was shot about 5 miles from my house as the crow flies. The guy who shot it spends more time in the woods hunting and trapping than probably everyone who has commented on this thread so far combined. Lots of Monday Morning Quarterbacks here.
  18. T

    Idaho vs Wyoming

  19. T

    What happened to Firstlite/Meateater

    Because it's 2024 and outrage is all the rage right now.
  20. T

    What happened to Firstlite/Meateater

    It's been quite a few years ago now, well before the Meat Eater buy out, but I was in the R&D room at First Lite and they were definitely doing more than just ordering clothes from the same supplier in China that WalMart does. At the time they were working on bringing several different down...