Bingo. The system is designed to keep you unhealthy and on the pre$cription train.
Yes, good additives, all drugs including over the counter destroy your body.
The VAXX was the coup de grace. Heart attacks, blood clots and turbo cancers are skyrocketing among the jabbed.
The “System” is run...
Take a look at most people you see. Obesity is beyond epidemic. Most people eat
food-like products not real food. Junk in a box, feeding the pharma companies who have convinced people that they need a pill for everything. And those pills complete the toxic merry go round making you even fatter...
Remington M7 308 or 7-08 SS for Whitetail and Black Bear in PA statewide.
130 TTSX .308
120TTSX 7-08
Howa Mini 350L. Bear creek 150 Copper in Straight Wall areas