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  1. outheretryin

    New Sig Zulu

    I love them! I was fortunate enough to take these on a variety of hunts this year. desert sheep to bc moose, and they felt at home in both settings. Close range target acquisition took a little getting used to, but not much different than classic 10x binos. The OIS tech is very seamless and...
  2. outheretryin


    due to some GI issues ive been getting colonoscopies every year or so for many years. They are absolutely nothing to get worked up about. easy peasy and eases the mind. no reason to wait. just get it done!
  3. outheretryin

    Nevada late season archery mule deer

    No words of advice other than keep it up! you got this!
  4. outheretryin

    Maybe next year.

    Never to early to get butterflies in your stomach thinking about mule deer season.
  5. outheretryin

    Hello from Oregon

    2 guys from Oregon. LOOK AT US!! welcome to the forum
  6. outheretryin

    Sportsman’s Warehouse

    A fun sportsmans story: One time I tried to buy a duck call out of the glass case in front of the shotgun counter. When the employee couldnt round up the keys to unlock the case he told me "these calls (that had price tags on them) are not for sale, If we have them in stock they'll be in the...
  7. outheretryin

    Long drive ebook suggestions

    My ebook for this years archery trip was "Undaunted courage" by Stephen Ambrose.
  8. outheretryin

    Tall bucks

    Not the tallest but the shortest
  9. outheretryin

    New Sig Zulu

    I just ordered a pair of 14x pros directly from sig. I will write a follow up after I have used them for a couple weeks. I hope they are a good upgrade from the 12x hdx for the weight penalty. But I currently run 10x swaro el ranges that are over 30 oz.
  10. outheretryin

    How does an East Coaster maximize scouting opportunity?

    Drive around and take pictures of terrain that you think looks like good deer country (Even if it is right off the road) then mark these spots on your map. When you get home, having actual photos of terrain that you can compare to what it looks like on the map is important to me. Some spots will...
  11. outheretryin

    Bucky areas

    Oh for sure. You know I started zig zagging my a** off after that :LOL: someday I will kill a buck like that and ill think about that old guy
  12. outheretryin

    Bucky areas

    Last year an old timer at a gas station told me "how to kill a buck every year" he talked about slipping down a ridge peering over the sides in a zig zag fashion. He even hunched down like he was sneaking and said "just like this"
  13. outheretryin

    Good Luck Oregon

    wow.. Oregon just dodged a bullet with that one.. lets see if Debbie Colbert sticks to her word.
  14. outheretryin

    Good Luck Oregon

  15. outheretryin

    Josh Smith from Montana Knife Company

    I dont own any mkc blades. but I am no stranger to paying probably too much for a knife. I accidentally met Josh in line at an airport while dealing with some logistics issues. He was cool as hell! chatted with me about my hunt plans, seemed excited to talk to a fellow hunter, and was really...
  16. outheretryin


    I have got a colonoscopy about once a year since I was a a kiddo, due to gi issues. I have been put under and I have done them slightly sedated. truly not a big deal at all. The worst part to me is the fast you have to do before the procedure. YOU GOT THIS
  17. outheretryin

    New Mexico Elk Draw 2024

    shoot for the moon and land among the unsuccessful!
  18. outheretryin

    Morning sickness while hunting

    No dude that helps me feel not so crazy. Haha I think duck hunting might exacerbate it because I worry about someone beating us to the spot.
  19. outheretryin

    Morning sickness while hunting

    Hahahaha dont worry ive never been to UT or WV
  20. outheretryin

    Morning sickness while hunting

    I used to have a hunting buddy who swore he would throw up every morning of a hunt. And therefore he refused to eat breakfast because he was going to lose it all anyways. He was older than me and had a lot more hunting experience than I did. I thought he was just crazy lol. Well it seems this...