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  1. Riflenut

    WTB Sako 85 XS Laminated Hunter Stock

    Thanks, I'll check it out
  2. Riflenut

    WTB Sako 85 XS Laminated Hunter Stock

    I have a Sako 85 XS stainless action and I'm wanting to do a 6.5 G lightweight hunting build with it. I'm not sure if these stocks are even available but if anyone has any information I'd greatly appreciate it. Thanks for looking.
  3. Riflenut

    Turkey success pic thread!

    Yep, whole season. I grew up hunting in Pa, moved here in 2006. I was amazed that we could use rifles in the spring. Sad to hear that Pa now no longer even allows them for the fall season.
  4. Riflenut

    WTS Swarovski Balance Rail for spotters

    HI, Just wondering if you still is still for sale? Thank you John
  5. Riflenut

    Turkey success pic thread!

    Congratulations, a very nice gobbler!
  6. Riflenut

    T680 Powder

    I believe that you are correct, and I do have some Lil Gun on hand. I'll definitely have to give it a try. What I like about the T680 is that it fills the case and gives me velocities in the 2000 fps range with a Sierra 45 gr. (#1310) bullet, which works great for taking turkeys without doing...
  7. Riflenut

    Virginia hunter

    Thank you sir
  8. Riflenut

    Virginia hunter

    Thank you sir
  9. Riflenut

    Virginia hunter

    Thanks! I mostly deer hunt, but I did get a spring gobbler this year with my Hornet. Work keeps me too busy, or I'd get back into small game hunting too.
  10. Riflenut

    Virginia hunter

    Hi, Im from southern Virginia in the Appalachian mountains. I love everything about the wilderness, and do a lot of reloading, shooting and hunting.
  11. Riflenut

    T680 Powder

    Does anyone still use this powder? I had a pound of it given to me over 30 years ago, and still have a little left. It works very well in the 22 Hornet with 45 gr. bullets. It fills the case perfectly, and I use it for turkey loads. I'm not quite sure but I think AA1680 is very similar..
  12. Riflenut

    Turkey success pic thread!

    Amazing scenery! Where is this...?
  13. Riflenut

    What’s Next for Sako Rifles?

    The L-461/AI are the best little actions ever made IMO. Light, superb handling, incredibly accurate, and a joy to behold. Don't care much for the modern plastic stocked rifles...
  14. Riflenut

    Thoughts on Sako 85 Finnlight 2

    I have a Sako Grey Wolf in 6.5 Creedmoor. It is amazingly accurate, nice and light. The action is very smooth, definitely worth the money
  15. Riflenut

    Turkey success pic thread!

    Yeah, they sure can be tough! Hope you get one Right on. Patience is necessary for sure. Unfortunately most of us don't have enough time to be out there like we want to.
  16. Riflenut

    22 Hornet

    I am using an obsolete powder (T680) that has worked great for me. I believe that AA1680 is the modern equivalent. I load 10.5 grs. over a Sierra 45 gr. softpoint #1310 for turkeys. A mild load that works pretty well, doesn't tear them up on a body hit.
  17. Riflenut

    Turkey success pic thread!

    Got this one this morning with a Ruger 22 Hornet. Southwestern Virginia in the mountains of Bland county
  18. Riflenut

    6mm Arc

    The 6mm ARC appears to be almost an exact copy of the benchrest cartridge, the 6mm PPC. I wonder if that load data would work? I've just checked the specs on both cartridges, there are only a few thousands of an inch differences. I understand that they have different applications such as faster...