Yes plenty of ammo and components for 6.5, but I'd rather have .270 or even .308. Saw a .243 Montana on Cabela's used guns. Talk about a great ladies or kids rig!
I've moved on from 6.5. My interests are in what I can shoot with available components and ammo. There's tons of cool calibers in the Montana, but hell you cant buy brass to load for them, and a box of 20 will cost you an arm and a leg.
There is a .270 mountain ascent on gun broker right now. I would spend the money in a heartbeat on a Montana, but $600 extra for a little camo. I just cant bring myself to pay that high of a price.
I found this thread searching online. Didn't bother to back up and read that it wasn't started by
I want a Montana in .270 soo bad. If you reconsider selling yours let me know and we'll get in touch.